Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Billboard Outside Largest Planned Parenthood Tells Abortion Clinic Workers to Quit Their Jobs


Kristina Hernandez Mar 6, 2018 | 5:37PM Houston, TX
Employees at Planned Parenthood in Houston, the largest abortion clinic in the country, will be greeted by a giant billboard for the next eight weeks – a billboard that attempts to pull at the heartstrings and speak to emotions of those workers unique to them, and ultimately to help them quit their jobs.
The billboard, located at 4600 Gulf Freeway in Houston, reads “We’ve been where you are. We’re here to listen” and includes a phone number to call and the website The billboard is sponsored by And Then There Were None, a Texas-based group led by former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson.
“We want workers in the abortion industry to know that someone else out there understands what they do every day, the challenges they face, and the unique feelings they go through as a employee of the nation’s largest abortion provider,” said Abby Johnson, who worked at Planned Parenthood in College Station, Texas for eight years before quitting after assisting in an abortion.
To date, And Then There Were None has helped 425 abortion workers leave their jobs. They provide limited financial assistance, resume writing aid, job search help, and spiritual or emotional guidance.
The billboard is perched in front of the largest abortion clinic in the country. It does abortions up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
“No one grows up wanting to work in an abortion clinic,” said Johnson. “We can help get abortion workers out, we can help them out of what may seem an impossible situation. We’ve all been there and we know what it feels like to sift through the baby parts following an abortion or to use alcohol or drugs to deal with the stress of working in an abortion clinic day in and day out. There are other options and abortion workers don’t have to stay.”

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