Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate must announce immediately that they affirm Vatican Council II without the Ladaria Error and in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and the Syllabus of Errors.

The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate must announce immediately that they affirm Vatican Council II without the Ladaria Error and in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and the Syllabus of Errors.
In this way Vatican Council II is no more an issue and they remove  the confusion created by Cardinal Braz de Avez.He wants them to accept Vatican Council II with the Ladaria Error.In this way the Council becomes a rupture with the Church's teaching over the centuries, that, it has the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate have already announced that they accept Vatican Council II but they do not interpret it with Rahnerian theology and the common interpretations in the local media in Italy.
But this announcement was not enough for Cardinal Braz de Avez.
He announced once again that the Franciscans of the Immaculate must affirm Vatican Council II.
So the Sisters must not go on the defensive.They instead must ask the two popes and Cardinal Avez to affirm Vatican Council II, like they do, without the Ladaria Error.
Tell the cardinals to interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I),as referring to invisible and not visible people in 2018.This changes the interpretation of the Council.BOD, BOB and I.I can only be hypothetical and theoretical. We cannot meet any one in Rome, who has been saved or will be saved with BOD, BOB and I.I and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
So when popes and saints referred to BOD, BOB and I.I they were mentioning hypothetical cases.They could not be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS, traditional EENS.Mystici Corporis, the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X and the Catechism of the Catholic Church never ever were exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
This is an important point to note.
Since Fr. Stefano Mannelli F.I one of the founders of the community also made a mistake on this point.He had a book, written by Fr. William Most, translated into Italian and which was sold at F.I centres.The apologetics of Fr. William Most were good,but he interpreted BOD,BOB and I.I as being non hypothetical and referring to known people saved outside the Church.This was also the mistake of Mons. Brunero Gherardino, the SSPX bishops, Roberto dei Mattei,Corrado Gnerre and others who have influenced the Sisters.
This is also the mistake of Cardinal Braz de Avez.
This 'mistake' is approved by the Left. They do not give the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) permission to affirm the old ecclesiology and EENS. So the CDF says Vatican Council II, interpreted with hypothetical cases not being hypothetical, are examples of salvation outside the Church.They are alleged exceptions to the old ecclesiology of the Church.This is objectively false.It is a factual error which Cardinal Luiz Ladaria made on March 1,2018  at the Press Conference on Placuit Deo when he was asked a question by a lady journalist from AP.

The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate must end the confusion on Vatican Council II being a rupture with Tradition.It is not. They need to show the Vatican Curia that Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Tradition, it cannot be a rupture, and that the Sisters affirm the Council, interpreted rationally.So they would expect the CDF to do the same, and so end the doctrinal confusion created and maintained in the Church by the Magisterium.
The issue is no more Vatican Council II but Vatican Council II with or without the premise, with or without the Ladaria Error.
Understanding this can resolve the artificial doctrinal confusion created in the Church.This is the solution to this issue.
The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate must not be defensive on the issue of Vatican Council II because of the doctrinal error made by Fr. Stefano Mannelli,Fr. Settimo Manneli, Fr. Francesco Giordano and others.This is also the error of the priests of the Franciscans of the Immaculate who offer Mass in only Italian at Boccea, Rome and are approved by Pope Francis.Fr. Rosario, the Superior and Rector at the Seminary, Fr. John Francesco, Religious Formator at the Formation House in Cassino,Italy and Fr. Giuseppe Giorni, the Parish Priest at Santa Maria di Nazareth, also interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise( BOD is visible and not invisible, hypothetical cases are non hypothetical) and they do not deny this.This is a common theological and doctrinal error with both groups of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.This error can be corrected.It is common among all religious communities in the Catholic Church.

None of the Franciscan priests after being informed are today are saying in public that  BOD,BOB and I.I refer to known people saved outside the Church in 2018.They agree with the obvious.They refer to personally unknown people. They need to say this in public. Neither do they say that LG 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to physically visible people in 2018, saved outside the Church; without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).There are no such people. This is common sense.They know this.In public they are not affirming the Ladaria Error.

So Cardinal Braz de Avez must be shown how all Catholic religious communities, affirm Vatican Council II without the Ladaria Error.Since this is rational.An announcement has to be made by the religious commmunities.
-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 20, 2018

Why is Cardinal Braz de Avez imposing the Ladaria Error on the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Mannelli Family ?

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