Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lahore court acquits 20 people accused of burning a Christian couple alive

03/28/2018, 14.44

Lahore court acquits 20 people accused of burning a Christian couple alive

FILE - Shama Shahzad, left, and Shahzad Masih and were burned alive in an industrial kiln in 2014.

Shafique Khokhar
The case went before an anti-terrorism court that issued its ruling on 24 March.
In Pakistan there is no justice for persecuted religious minorities. The courts are
"dominated by fanatics".
Lahore (AsiaNews) – The Lahore anti-terrorism court acquitted 20 people accused of 
burning alive Shahzad Masih and his wife Shama, a Christian couple of humble origins.
Last Saturday, the court gave the accused the benefit of the doubt and ordered their release.
Speaking on the Spot Light television program, Peter Jacob, activist and executive director
 of the Centre for Social Justice, said: "There is no protection in Pakistan for persecuted 
families like Shama and Shahzad. The judicial system is weak and therefore persecuted 
families, especially members of religious minorities, do not get justice."
The serious episode of religious violence occurred four years ago in Kot Radha Kishan,
 Kasur district (about 60 km from Lahore). The married couple were stoned and thrown
 alive in the brick kiln where Shahzad worked as a labourer.
On 4 November 2014, they were accused of blasphemy, which triggered a homicidal fury
 that drove 400 people to attack and kill them. In fact, the blasphemy charge was just a
 vendetta over money the Christian man owed to his Muslim employer.
At the time, the woman was pregnant with her fifth child. In November 2016, a court 
sentenced five men to death, ten to varying prison terms and acquitted 93 others.
Jacob believes that "it would have been better if a regular court had been in charge
 of the case instead of the anti-terrorism court. In the latter there are several shortcomings,
 innocent victims do not get justice and offenders often escape punishments.”
"Burning an innocent couple is not terrorism like suicide attacks. It is a crime that
 should be dealt with by regular courts. We need adequate training of investigators 
if we want to ensure the correct application of the rule of law."
 "The most painful aspect is that those who incited violence were punished, but the 
owner of the brickyard was able to avoid going to trial.”
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"The persecution of religious minorities, in particular of Christians, is not new in 
Pakistan,” said Rojar Noor Alam, operation manager of Caritas Pakistan. “Unfortunately,
 government prosecutors often fail in their work. This causes delays in justice, which in 
turn results in the release of the offenders without any punishment."
"In the history of this country those responsible for attacks against minorities have
 never been punished,” he bemoaned.
“Even the courts are dominated by fanatics who use their influence to get terrorists 
freed. Pakistan is becoming a very dangerous place for religious minorities."
"It is sad news that the court acquitted the defendants,” said Kakkazai Amir, a
 researcher and writer. “This will embolden others to commit the same heinous
 crime in the name of religion.”
"We should all condemn this act and ask legislators to tighten the laws and 
remove every legal loophole that could benefit offenders. Justice must be the
 same for everyone and the state must pay more attention to religious minorities,
 ensuring everyone dignity and the right to live."

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Image result for Christian burnt alive in Pakistan photos

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