Friday, March 16, 2018

Repost : Reconciliation in the Church soon

 JUNE 21, 2013

Reconciliation in the Church soon

We are at the point of a tremendous reconciliation in the Catholic Church. Something historic is about to happen.Over  the next few months or years  there could be an unbelievable unity between the Vatican  and the traditionalists and sedevacantists on the issues of Vatican Council II, outside the Church no salvation and related subjects.We have identified one simple irrationality which was the cause of so much of confusion,misunderstanding .Catholics are understanding that it was the Richard Cushing Error which was responsible for the liberal and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Without the Richard Cushing Error  the SSPX, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, sedevacantists CMRI, MHFM and others are united on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted over the centuries with no known exception. This would be historical.They are also united on Vatican Council II not being a break with the  past, since without the Richard Cushing Error, there is a new interpretation of a Council for them - a traditional one!
 The baptism of desire is not an issue or an exception if it is not known personally and with no magisterial document making this claim.
Presently traditionalists, liberals  and sedevacantists are  interpreting Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error. They are united in error.
They are using a false premise which results in irrational theologies, which misinterpret and confuse de jure and defacto concepts creating  an ambiguity which is not there in the Council text itself.
With this  new insight even a school boy or a non Catholic could identify the cause of this confusion and separation .
If Catholics reject this insight it would be rebellion. They can no more say that 'the Church' or 'Vatican Council II' teaches that non Catholics are being saved  in the present times without faith and  the baptism of water .The text is not there in the Council  unless one is using an irrationality in the interpretation.
For example Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism . The all was rejected since it was said AG 7 also mentions those in inculpable ignorance who can be saved. This would be common with the Richard Cushing Error.Without the Richard Cushing Error we know that being saved in inculpable ignorance is not an  exception to all needing faith and baptism for salvation.This is a small point but such an important one for Catholic reconciliation and unity.
It has also opened a new path for a Vatican -SSPX  reconciliation on Vatican Council II which is really traditional on other religions and ecumenism.
It also raises the issue: how can the liberal dissenting Paulist Fathers , San Egidio community,Pontifical Universities and seminaries and others  be granted canonical status , when they accept Vatican  Council II with an irrationality?-Lionel Andrades

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