Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is in heresy.It rejects the teachings of the popes on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and considers them to be in heresy. This Letter creates a schism with the past popes

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 is in heresy schism  since it rejects the teachings of the popes and considers them to be in heresy on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The Letter creates a schism with the past popes.
The Letter says ' that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member' while the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,defined by three Church Councils says it is necessary.

So the Letter is in schism with the past popes including those who affirmed EENS in the ordinary Magisterium. We have to note that when they referred to the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I:I) it was to hypothetical cases which were not relevant or exceptions to their traditional and strict interpretation of EENS.
So today we have to choose between the past popes or the heretical and schismatic Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston 1949.
I am a Feeneyite. The Letter is Cushingite.

The past popes were Feeneyite.The present two popes are Cushingite.a
The two popes accept the second part of the Letter. I reject.I accept the first part of the Letter which is contradicted by the second part.
If it is said that I am in heresy then be consistent and say that all the past popes are in heresy. Also Vatican Council II would be in heresy for saying all need faith and baptism for salvation (Ad Gentes 7).
I affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).I am not saying anything new.I am affirming what the popes have said down the centuries and which is in harmony with Vatican Council II.So I accept the first part of the Letter and reject the second part since it contradicts the first part, with the use of an irrationality, a false premise, nonsensical theology, which was politically expedient in 1949..

So those Catholics who follow the irrational reasoning of the Letter(1949) end up in heresy on EENS, Nicene Creed, Vatican Council II etc and in schism with the past popes over the centuries on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

It was based upon the irrational reasoning of the Letter(1949) that Cardinal Ladaria on March 1, 2018 at the Press Conference of Placuit Deo, in the question and answer session, said that Lumen Gentium 8 is a rupture with the past exclusivist understanding of salvation.-Lionel Andrades

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