Sunday, April 1, 2018

Cardinal Nicols says that the Catholic Church does not say that any one person is in Hell. This is false.

All these years the liberals have been saying that we do not know if there is any one in Hell and the Church does not say that any one person is in Hell- not even Judas. This is false.
The Bible tells us that Judas is in Hell.
This is repeated by Cardinal Vince Nicols in his comment on Hell on the BBC.
He says that the Catholic Church does not say that any one person is in Hell.
This is false and the liberals keep repeating this new found doctrine of theirs.
The Church does say that there are particular persons in Hell. We can name them.
The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus tells us that all non Catholics whom we meet are oriented to Hell unless they are incorporated into the Catholic Church as members.
Vatican Council II(AG 7) confirms the same teaching. All need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7).Most  people on earth die without faith and baptism and are oriented to Hell.We know who does not have faith and baptism in 2018.We know who has died without faith and baptism and so would be in Hell.
All those non Catholics who participate in inter-faith meetings with Cardinal Nicols in London are on the way to  Hell. This is said based on Catholic teaching. Vatican Council II( AG 7 ), the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257, 845,846), Dominus Iesus 20, the CDF Notification on Fr. Jaques Dupuis s.j(2001), Evangelii Nuntiandi of Pope Paul VI, Catechism of the Council of Trent and the Catechism of Pope Pius X affirming Feeneyite EENS, with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, referring to hypothetical cases and unknown persons in the present times.
Is this not all Catholic teaching for him?
Why does he not quote Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma EENS as it was known to the Magisterium of the 16th century ? 
So of course the Church says that it knows of any one person and even many people being oriented to Hell.

The norm is membership in the Church with faith and baptism. This is the ordinary way of salvation.So this is the norm by which we can judge that the non Catholic political leaders, for example in England, are all on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church and live the teachings of the Gospel as traditionally taught in the Church.
We know that many people are in Hell, since they have died as non Catholics or they have died in manifest mortal sin. 

They are also in Hell since Cardinal Nicols cannot name any exception.
Cardinal Nicols does not know of any exception.How can he judge? Only Jesus can know of an exception.
He cannot say that any one person is an exception to the norm. He cannot guess or judge that a  particular person, though not a member of the Catholic Church is an exception.He cannot name any names. He cannot judge that a particular person living in mortal sin, is not going to Hell or is not in Hell.
This is how the Holy Spirit guided the Church on faith and morals over the centuries.Why should there be a change now? -Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Vincent Nichols on what Catholics believe about Hell

The idea of a burning Hell has never been part of Roman Catholic teaching, says the most senior Catholic in England and Wales.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols was speaking after Pope Francis was quoted saying that Hell did not exist. He blamed 'Rome's rumour mill' after a journalist met the Pope.
(Photo: Pope Francis. Credit: Getty Images)
  • 30 Mar 2018

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