Thursday, April 5, 2018

Declaration (Profession of faith) on immutable teachings of the Catholic Church on salvation needed at Friends of Cardinal Caffara Conference on Saturday

Imagine the Friends of Cardinal Caffara at the conclusion of their conference in Rome on Saturday announcing  this Declaration (Profession of faith) :
'We Catholics affirm the immutable truths of the Catholic faith. We affirm the immutable truths of the Church on salvation, other religions, an exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.
We invite all families to affirm that outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation in 2018 and all non Catholics and non Christians need to be formal members of the Church for salvation ( to avoid Hell).
All non Catholics who have died are presently in Hell and if there were any exceptions it would not be known to us and only known to God.
So it is important to be a member of the Catholic Church and to follow the Church's traditional teachings to avoid mortal sin and not to lose one's salvation.
We follow this unique Church's teaching on pro  life and other morals issues and on conditions for receiving the Eucharist and other faith issues.'
Imagine Cardinal Burke saying at the conference that Our Lady at Fatima told us that in the final days the devil will attack the family.So there must be good family catechesis at home.Parents must know and teach their children that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and that today there are billions of people in Hell who have died outside the Catholic Church.When they meet non Catholics they know that they are oriented to the fires of Hell since the Church teaches this.(Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14), Cantate Domino,Council of Florence 1441 on outside the Church no salvation, Catechism of the Catholic Church,1257, 845,845) etc)
Then picture Bishop Athanasius Schneider saying that parents must teach their children to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  and the Catechisms including the present Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).So the understanding is - that the Church has the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation.
This is what Catholics are to be taught at home.
This is one of the immutable truths of sacramental marriage -the bringing up of children with a sound faith- which must be maintained.
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and the old ecclesiology of an ecumenism of return, when there is no false premise; no Cushingite theology used in the interpretation of Magisterial teachings and documents.
I, can only immagine....
-Lionel Andrades

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