Thursday, April 26, 2018

Did Pope Bendedict intentionally not tell Abp. Lefebvre that Vatican Council II was not a rupture with the strict interpretation of EENS or was he confused too like every one else in the Church ?

Comment from The Eponymous Flower, Critical Observations on Joseph Ratzinger’s Classic Text

Did he do it intentionally or was he confused like every body else in the Church?

JULY 20, 2017
Did Pope Benedict intentionally not tell Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre that Vatican Council II was not a rupture with the strict interpretation of EENS ?

JANUARY 26, 2018
Pope Benedict needs to recant and end the doctrinal deception in the Church

JANUARY 2, 2018
The new Catholic faith in salvation and morals of Pope Benedict, Cardinal Muller and Rocco Buttiglione

JANUARY 2, 2018
Pope Benedict praised Cardinal Muller for defending a false 'faith'
-Lionel Andrades

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