Sunday, April 1, 2018

England has a problem with Hell

Cardinal Vince Nicols does not say that all who die in mortal sin are oriented to Hell but instead he tells the BBC,' if the person makes a final, deliberate and irrevocable approach, a decision to reject any notion of, or willingness  to be open to, God  then that is a definitive decision that separates him from God'.
Image result for Photos of the Beda College Rome
Image result for Photos of the Beda College Rome
This was the line I would also get from my English Spiritual Director at the Beda Pontifical College, the Catholic seminary in Rome under the bishops of England and Wales.
Image result for Photos of the Beda College Rome
In the BBC interview the cardinal is asked,'And then what happens '.
'Well, who knows',says Vince Nicols.
So where will those people go ? He says he does not know.See the contradiction.
In an organized way the English bishops and priests have been teaching the same confusion over the last 20 or more years.It is as if someone has decided that they must use this new doctrine.So when he later says that fire and brimstone is not there in Hell,   ' is not Catholic teaching',  he means that is is not Catholic teaching according to his group or the people whom he represents.

Image result for Photos of the Beda College Rome
So when the interviewer asks him where will his limited category of people , who are lost, go after they die, he says he does not know.But he does not know that Hell does not have fire and brimstone.
Image result for Photos of the Beda College Rome
So there is a Hell for him, a Hell he knows exists, in which only a limited category of people will go to, and not every one in un-Confessed mortal sin.
He also knows that all non Catholics in general will not be going there,since he doesn not believe in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He  rejects the teaching over the centuries of the popes and saints.
This was all the nonsense being taught at the Beda seminary Rome, when Vince Nicols as the Bishop of Birmingham, would visit there officially and ensure that the new teachings are enforced.
Now that we have Pope Francis, all these  innovations which were there during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, but were hidden in the shade, have come out into the open.
-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 31, 2018

"No Fire in Hell" - London Cardinal Ignores the Gospel

MARCH 31, 2018

Pro Masonic Cardinal Nicols does not say that the norm for salvation is membership in the Catholic Church , this is the ordinary way to avoid Hell and most people do not die as Catholics

MARCH 31, 2018

Traditionalists and sedevacantists are contributing to Cardinal Nicols and Eugenio Scalfari's statement on Hell

Photos from the Beda seminary in Rome.


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