Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Liberals still do not know that they can no more cite Vatican Council II to support 50 years of propaganda.

Cardinal says Church teaching doesn’t put any specific person in Hell

Cardinal says Church teaching doesn’t put any specific person in Hell is the headline of a report in the liberal Crux.
Liberals still do not know that they can no more cite Vatican Council II to support their 50 years of false propaganda.
Liberalism based on Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise  instead of without it is obsolete. We can read the Council text with the for and neutral to extra ecclesiam nulla salus method instead of Crux, Ladaria and Nicols' for and against EENS method.
All magisterial documents can be interpreted with Feeneyism( hypothetical cases  are hypothetical only) or with their irrational Cushingism ( hypothetical cases are objective in the present times).
The Catholic Church tells us that there are millions of people in Hell since they have died without faith and baptism, which is needed for salvation ( Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257 etc).
All non Catholics and non Christians according to the Council(AG 7).Those non Catholics who are alive today need to be incorporated into the Church as members to avoid the same fate.
This would be interpreting Vatican Councl II with LG 8 not referring to a known person in 2018.
It would also be interpreting Vatican Councll II with 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'(1257) not referring to a known person saved as such.-Lionel Andrades


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