Thursday, April 12, 2018

Now our conscience asks us to recognise that Vatican Council II(AG 7) is saying all non Catholics on earth are on the way to Hell, unless they enter the Church as members, with 'faith and baptism'. Since most people who die outside the Church are non Catholics, in conscience we know, that the majority of people are in Hell.They died without faith and the baptism of water.

A video of the late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra opens the Rome conference,
Comments from the blog The Eponymous Flower, 

Meeting of Conservative Catholics in Rome Addresses Concern About Church’s Course

The Magisterium of the Church has made it clear that it has broken clear of the undifferentiated and severely blinkered politico-religious world view that produced EENS.
It did it by assuming hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc were non-hypothetical and examples of known salvation outside the Church.
This is deception. This is a falsehood.
How can unknown people be known exceptions to the dogma EENS?
This violates the Principle of Non Contradiction and you keep parroting the same arguements.

How can there be a rupture with Tradition(EENS etc) with the use of an irrational premise ?
On the other hand I can interpret Vatican Council II without the baptism- of- desire- cases- are- visible premise, and the Council is no more a rupture with Tradition. This would be rational and traditional. So why do the two popes not affirm this? What about you? You have a choice.

the primacy of conscience

Lionel: Before the new theory of conscience was made a crutch to reject traditional teaching, the Church taught that there was an objective reality, independent of conscience.
Now our conscience asks us to recognise that Vatican Council II(AG 7) is saying all non Catholics on earth are on the way to Hell, unless they enter the Church as members, with 'faith and baptism'. Since most people who die outside the Church are non Catholics, in conscience we know, that the majority of people are in Hell.They died without faith and the baptism of water.
This is the teaching of Vatican Council II interpreted with a good conscience.

-Lionel Andrades

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