Friday, April 20, 2018

Rome Yanks Largest Pro-Life Poster in Its History

Rome Yanks Largest Pro-Life Poster in Its History

"Rome Will Lose The Faith and Become the Seat of Anti-Christ"…/rome-yanks-larg…
Mayor claims pro-life display violates 'civil rights'
Roman authorities have removedfrom a busy street near the Vatican the pro-life poster in the history of Italian pro-life activism. The huge poster, spanning three stories, features the image of an 11-week-old unborn child, and was part of a chain of demonstrations promoted by pro-life group ProVita Onlus to recall 40 years of legal abortion in Italy. The poster, which had been legally granted a permit to be posted from April 3–15, was taken down by Mayor Virginia Raggi after a mere three days.…/rome-yanks-larg…

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