Friday, April 27, 2018

SSPX does not want to affirm EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II.There would no more be doctrinal confusion in the Church. SSPX is now politically correct with the Left

It was easy for the SSPX bishops and priests to criticize Vatican  Council II as a rupture with Tradition ( when it really was not ) and the liberals liked it.Since the SSPX was reading Vatican Council II in the same way as the liberals.
Vatican Council II can be in harmony with the 'strict interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. But the SSPX does not want to affirm EENS in harmony with Vatican Council II.There would no more be doctrinal confusion in the Church. However the SSPX is a financially rich religious community and they do not want to be politically incorrect with the  Left.It is expedient to blame Vatican Council II and not endorse EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.
We must remember that the SSPX did not comment when the Vatican issued a document on the Jews saying that they did not need to convert.
They abandoned Bishop Williamson when he was charged with anti-Semitism.
They continued to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradtion as does the  Ecclesia Dei and sought canonical status, without affirming Vatican Council II in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors.
So the Jewish Left are tolerating the SSPX since they are not proclaiming the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church in public.This is true for also the other traditionalists (SBC etc) and conservative Catholics ( CMTV etc).-Lionel Andrades

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