Thursday, April 19, 2018

The liberal theologians Rahner, Kung, Ratzinger etc were wrong to suggest there was known salvation outside the Catholic Church and so change the theology of the Church from exclusivist ecclesiocentrism to a vague and general Christology

We have to realize that there are no known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church.We humans on earth cannot physically see anyone saved in Heaven.This could only be known to God.It can be known to Catholics who are in Heaven.So for there to be exceptions to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, there would have to be known people saved outside the Church- and we cannot know of any one saved in this way.If there is no physically visible person in 2017-2018 for example, who  is saved outside the Catholic Church, then we do not know anyone saved outside the Church.This is a physical reality. There are no practical exceptions to EENS.
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A possibility of someone being saved outside the Church in the past, is not a visible exception in the present times (2018) to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.We do not know if St. Emerentiana, now in Heaven, is saved without the baptism of water and instead with the baptism of desire or blood.We cannot physically know.

In faith we can choose to believe what we want but we cannot suggest that it is an exception to the dogma EENS.So this is important to note : an exception has to exist in our time and space for it to be an exception.If there is a box of oranges with an apple in the middle of the box, the apple is an exception there not only because it is different but because it exists there in that box.If it was not in the box at that time it would not be an exception.

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 So we can believe that St.Emerentiana is a saint in Heaven but we cannot say that she is an exception to EENS. If she was an exception it could only be known to God.

So the liberal theologians Rahner, Kung, Ratzinger and many others, were wrong to suggest that there was known salvation outside the Catholic Church and so change the theology of the Church from exclusivist ecclesiocentrism to a vague and general Christology.-Lionel Andrades

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Image result for Photos of outside the Church there is no salvation

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