Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Traditionalists are not proclaiming the Faith, the same as Catholics in general, and are propagandizing the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM) without the theology and doctrines of the TLM in the 16th century.Summorum Pontificum has allowed only limited freedom approved by the Left : Catholic identity being changed

The Traditionalists are not proclaiming the Faith, the same as other Catholics in general.They are afraid of the Leftist laws which do not allow them to testify to their Faith and want them to lose their Catholic identity.
So the Traditionalists propagandize the Traditional Latin Mass 's liturgy but not the old understanding of the Faith.
It is the TLM with the New Ecumenism and not the Old.
It is the New Evangelisation and not traditional Mission based on no salvation outside the Church.
It is the New Theology based on allegedly visible for us baptism of desire etc and not outside the Church there is no salvation.Since there are no known exceptions of the baptism of desire, which contradict the Old Theology.
So Summorum Pontificum has not had the effect on the Church as it was supposed to , there is no revival.
Since obviously freedom was not granted by the Jewish Left  to offer the TLM with the Old Theology and Ecclesiology,the Old Ecumenism and traditional doctrines on Mission and salvation and other religions.
Meanwhile traditionalists like Christopher Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei speak at conferences on safe subjects and in a vague and general way.They do not affirm outside the Church there is no salvation and the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation, in specific subjects and situations, even though there are so many opportunities to do so.
They protect themselves.
This is also a priority for conservative Catholics who attend Mass in the vernacular.
In the past Fr. Chad Ripperger has called this 'positivism towards magisterialism'.Presently we see the Magisterium is teaching false doctrines and calling for obedience.The 'magisterium' also teaches these new  doctrines with an irrational theology to remain politically correct with the Left - but  so does Fr. Ripperger.
At the course for exorcists underway in Rome the priests will exorcise Muslims but not tell them,nor  say in public , that they must convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.It would be the same with the traditionalist exorcist, Fr. Ripperger and his religious community in the USA.On their websites and in their books they will not proclaim  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( EENS) .
Cardinal Burke has said that the problem in the Church is poor catechesis but he is not going to teach Catholics that the Church teaches outside the Church there is no salvation and 'all' need 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) to avoid the fires of Hell ( for salvation).
So it is very convenient for Bishop Bernard Fellay to criticize Vatican Council II and interpret it only with the false premise(references to invisible people in the present times must be interpreted as being personally known people). The Left appreciates this.He cannot say in public that Vatican Council II indicates all Jews and Muslims, Protestants and Orthodox Christians, are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church with Catholic faith(AG7, LG14) and that LG 8, LG 16 etc are not exceptions.
Instead Bishop Bernard Fellay and politically- correct- with -the- Left Bishop Athanasius Schneider, will state the opposite.For them LG 8 etc will be exceptions to traditional EENS and they are not going to endorse Ad Gentes 7 in public.Schneider in this next interview will not say that all Muslims where he is bishop need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
It is the same with Fr. John Zuhlsdorf. There is a crisis in the Church for him and he will proclaim the solution is the liturgy and rituals of Mass in Latin , without the theology and doctrines of the Latin Mass, of the missionaries in the 16th century.
Traditionalists are not proclaiming the Faith and are propagandizing the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM)  without the theology and doctrines of the TLM in the 16th century.Summorum Pontificum has allowed only limited freedom.-Lionel Andrades

APRIL 21, 2018

Fr.Chad Ripperger and FSSP priests still not permitted by the Vatican to affirm the traditional teaching on salvation : positivism towards magisterialism http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/frchad-ripperger-and-fssp-priests-still.html

APRIL 23, 2018

New Catholic ecumenical groups must be formed which do not interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition, affirm the old traditional ecumenism in harmony with the Council and the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2018/04/new-catholic-ecumenical-groups-must-be.html

APRIL 23, 2018

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis with the father of Alfie Evans

Catholic political party needed in England


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