Saturday, April 7, 2018

We now know that sedevacantism based on Vatican Council II is obsolete : Archbishop Lefebvre made an objective mistake

A little catechism on sedevacantism
What is sedevacantism?
Sedevacantism is the theory of those who think that the most recent popes, the popes of the Second Vatican Council, have not really been popes. Consequently, the See of Peter is not occupied. This is expressed in Latin by the formula sede vacante.
Lionel: They reject the popes. Since the sedevacantists interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. So the Council  is a rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Church.Then they believe that the popes from John XXIII are to blame.
The fault lies with their interpretation of Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, with the irrational premise instead of without it, with invisible baptism of desire etc being visible, instead of just being invisible.

Where does this theory come from?
This theory has been conceived in reaction to the very grave crisis which the Church has been undergoing since the Council, a crisis that Archbishop Lefebvre justly called "the third world war." The main cause of the crisis has been the dereliction of the Roman Pontiffs, who teach or allow to be propagated serious errors on the subjects of ecumenism, religious liberty, collegiality, etc.
The sedevacantists think that real popes could not be responsible for such a crisis, and consequently they consider them not to be "real" popes.
Lionel: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and was not aware of the choice.
We now know that sedevacantism based on Vatican Council II is obsolete
-Lionel Andrades

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