Saturday, May 19, 2018

Abortion pictures absent at the Rome March for Life today

Colored photos of fetus' and aborted babies were absent today at the Rome March for Life.There were thousands present for the procession from Piazza Repubblica to Piazza Venezia.But the placards and banners were largely religious. The photos of aborted babies which were there at the March for Life last year,were missing.
A few days back the Mayor banned a pro life advertisement .
The campaign group CitizenGo tweeted an image of one of its posters in Rome

Also in April a pro life advertisement was banned in Rome.

I joined the procession at the rear end and prayed my rosary along.There were many Italian pro life groups present.Cardinal Raymond Burke was there I was told.
The prohibition of the pro life posters and pictures shows that the Left has finally got some opposition on the abortion issue. They have had it easy all these years.
The Catholic Church is not allowed to oppose abortion in Italy. But recently there has been a new initiative among lay Italian Catholics.
Image result for Marcia per la vita CitezinGo Youtube twitter
The April-ban of the pro life advertisement by the Mayor which was followed by a protest by pro-lifers in Rome was an opening, a new  opposition to abortion.
Pornographic material is sold at the newspaper stands since it is pro-Satan but there is no freedom of opinion for pro-life posters.
So the pro-life posters are important for the Left.This is confirmed.We now know what pinches them.
The posters have an effect.They get results. They show the hollowness of the pro abortion movement and the priority that Satan gives to abortion all over the world.
A small  group of Italians pray the rosary every alternative first Saturday in front of the San Giovanni Addolorata hospital in Rome.The leader of the group has to get the permission from the police before the meeting and there is a prohibition on photos of aborted babies.
Giorgio Meloni a young member of the Italian parliament was present at the March for Life today and there were other Italian politicians there too from  Meloni's political party. May be she could bring this issue of pro-life posters and advertisements being banned,before the new Parliament.
Also present was Lorenzo Fontana, Vice President of the Camera of Deputies and  Giancarlo Giorgetti, head of the Lega group of the Camera, the Italian Parliament according to Correspondenza Romana.
There is freedom in Rome for blasphemy and pornography but not for pictures of the reality of abortion.The Left wants to hide the truth.
On the streets and at the metro stations  are advertisements of semi naked men and women advertising summer wear.For Catholics this is a mortal sin.Immodesty is a mortal sin and leads to Hell.Possibly because it leads to Hell, that the Administration in Rome gives it so much prominence.This is the fruits of secularism. It is pro-Satan.
Similarly there will be quasi naked people at the beach which makes it a restricted area for only those who can stomach all that.This was not part of the culture of Italy some 150 years back.-Lionel Andrades



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