Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Alfie's Final Hours : Disturbing New Details

Alfie’s Final Hours: Disturbing New Details

by Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D.  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  May 1, 2018   
Source: Within two hours of being administered a cocktail of unknown drugs, the toddler was dead

LIVERPOOL, England (ChurchMilitant.com) - Troubling revelations are emerging about the last hours of Alfie Evans, the U.K. toddler who died after a protracted legal battle with Alder Hey Hospital.
According to Benedetta Frigerio, writing in Italian journal La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Alfie — suffering from an undiagnosed brain condition — was showing promising vital signs only two hours before death, but took a downturn after a cocktail of unknown drugs was administered by a hospital nurse.
Two hours before dying, the oxygen saturation was about 98 and Alfie's [heart]beats were about 160, so much so that Thomas was convinced that they would let him go home soon (as the hospital administration told him on Friday afternoon). Before dying, while Thomas had gone out for a moment, leaving Kate half-awake and another family member in the room, a nurse entered and explained that he would give the baby four drugs (no one knows what) to treat him. After about 30 minutes the saturation dropped to 15. Two hours later Alfie was dead. 
Although some have contradicted the account, Frigerio insists the account is accurate. She also claims the ventilator, on which Alfie had been relying for many months, was abruptly removed, causing major stress to his body.

"Being that his lungs were used to being dilated mechanically, the doctors would have to 'wean him' so as not to provoke his immediate death," Frigerio wrote, "which, however, did not happen ... ."
She reports that he immediately contracted "a lung infection" after the breathing tubes were removed, prompting his father Thomas to plead for antibiotics — denied by Alder Hey.


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