Friday, May 18, 2018

Bishop Athanasius Schneider continues to give interviews and talks and refuses to affirm the Catholic Faith on exclusive salvation in harmony with Vatican Council II.Year in and year out he does the same thing.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider continues to give interviews ( Blog 1Peter 5) and talks (Voice of the Family Conference) and still refuses to affirm the Catholic Faith on exclusive salvation in harmony with Vatican Council II.Year in and year out he does the same thing and it is useful for many in the Church.
He does not respond to numerous reports on line and neither to e-mails sent to him.
So he is comfortable for the Latin Mass Society in England which will promote the Traditional Latin Mass without saying that Vatican Council II (AG 7) supports the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church on salvation.
Bishop Schneider will speak on general things.He will repeat his errors on Vatican Council II.He will not affirm EENS according to the Magisterium of the 16th century.So there is no rupture with the present leftist magisterium which he supports.
He will be in line with the present magisterium in interpreting Vatican Council II as a rupture with the past even though an alternative option exists.
He will be in line with the liberal magisterium in interpreting extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism instead of rational Feeneyism.
So he is in heresy but it is overlooked since it is politically correct and supported by the two liberal popes.
Similarly LifeSites does not want to affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century. So LifeSites is in a doctrinal schism with the popes of the past. So Bishop Schneider will not upset the cart.He gives Lifesites and the Latin Mass Society what they want.It is heresy but it is useful for every one professionally and financially. There are no charges against them from the Left.No one says they are being a bigot or racist .
It is like Michael Voris saying outside the Church there is no salvation and also meaning the baptism of desire refers to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So this is politically correct with the leftist hierarchy in Detroit.This is also the liberals and Mason's position on the new Catholic salvation doctrine.
There are so many reports on line which show that Vatican Council II and EENS can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism and the conclusion would be a rupture or continuity with Tradition.But for some reason Maike Hickson and Steve Skojec do not want to explore it. Suppose they did discover that I am correct would they affirm the traditional exclusivist understanding on salvation ? Roberto dei Mattei would not. He would not want to be called a Feeneyite.
So they all find Bishop Athanasius Schneider useful. He is saying nothing really on the issue of salvation.
Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyism would be saying all need faith and baptism for salvation and with Feeneyism, LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc are not objective cases in 2018.So they are not exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the dogma EENS. This would mean all the non Catholics in Kazakhstan are oriented to Hell with no known exceptions according to Vatican Council II.
Maike Hickson is not going to ask him to affirm this and neither will she do so. Even Joseph Shaw at Oxford needs his job . He has a family to support like Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara. So the truth could be inconvenient. 
This is why it is useful to have Bishop Schneider as a speaker every year, since for him, 'it would not be charity'  to speak the truth on the issue of salvation in the Catholic Church.This suits everybody-except me.
-Lionel Andrades

 MAY 17, 2018

Rome Life Forum speakers violate Principle of Non Contradiction and their conscience does not trouble them

MAY 18, 2018

The International Theological Commission(ITC), Vatican made an objective error in two of its theological papers and Catholic parents can correct the error when teaching the Faith to their children : Voice of the Family , Rome Life Forum ignores this family issue

JULY 18, 2016

Bishop Schneider, John Henry Weston ambiguous : 'speak the truth of the Catholic faith, to end doctrinal confusion, to restore clarity'

MARCH 15, 2018

I am waiting for Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, Robero dei Mattei and Chris Ferrara to affirm Vatican Council II and the strict interpretation of EENS

NOVEMBER 20, 2017

Bishop Athanasius Schneider acts as if he still does not know or understand the precise fault in the interpretation of Vatican Council II which results in a rupture with Tradition

Click on these  link to access         Bishop Athanasius Schneider (27)  Bishop Athanasius Schneider still at sea (6) Bishop Athansius Schneider (24)

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