Monday, May 28, 2018

Catholic contemplatives and religious communities must decide on the interpretation of Vatican Council II before going under a Federation

Pope Francis vs Contemplative Orders
Catholic religious communities, including the contemplative orders, must ask Pope Francis not to place them under a Federation, which interprets Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism, instead of rational and traditional Feeneyism.
The Carmelites and other contemplative communities must affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and refuse to be under a supervisor or Federation  according to Cor Orans (April 1,2018), which is Cushingite.This is the new document on the contemplative communities having ' federal abbesses or "presidents" who oversee federated monasteries' have 'shared initial formation programmes for postulants and novices, ongoing formation courses for professed nuns, and interconnected funds.' 1.  So  'the autonomy of the monasteries is suppressed and the authority of the superior is removed. The single monasteries are financially not independent anymore, and the specificities of each house have no right to exist.'
It is expected that the overseeing federations approved by Archbishop Jose Rorriguez Carballo ofm and Pope Francis, will oppose 'triumphalism' in the name of Vatican Council II. This is even though Vatican Council II is 'triumphalistic' in Ad Gentes 7 interpreted  with Feeneyism and not Cushingism.
So they must ask Pope Francis and Cardinal Braz de Avez to first affirm Vatican Council II  and all magisterial documents with Feeneyism. Since Vatican Council II Feeneyism or Cushingism, refer to theology and doctrines, of two different religions in the Catholic Church.
St. Teresa of Avila when she founded her communities, was a Feeneyite.She held the exclusivist understanding of salvation in the Catholic Church.
Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) is in harmony with the ecclesiology of St. Teresa of Avila but not Cardinal Avez and Pope Francis.With Cushingism the present magisterium is in  a schism with the past popes on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This is a troubling issue not only for the contemplative orders.
In Los Angeles, a community of Catholic men, who are religious choose to live as a society in the lay state.They have not asked for recognition from Archbishop Gomez.
Since he interprets extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism and they do so with Feeneyism.
Similarly the Franciscans of the Immaculate accept the old Mass with the old ecclesiology. If they are placed in a common federation with the Franciscan Capuchins, Conventuals etc, then they will have to offer Mass in Latin or the vernacular, with Cushingite theology.It will be a rupture with the ecclesiology of the old Mass. They will not get permission of offer Mass with Feeneyite theology since then it would get the Mason term, 'triumphalism'.
On March 1,2018 Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) was asked by a lady journalist from the Associated Press at the Placuit Deo Press Conference,  if the Church still taught that it had the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation. He denied it. He cited Lumen Gentium 8. If LG 8 is an exception to EENS it indicates he uses Cushingite theology.This was a personal interpretation. Since on May 18,2018 Cardinal Raymond Burke also cited LG 8 at the Voice of the Family Conference.It was not a rupture with EENS.He was using Feeneyite theology.
Vatican Council II (Cushingite) was also promoted by Pope Benedict in March 2016 (Avvenire) when he said that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.He said that there was 'a development' with Vatican Council II. He meant Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) was an exception to EENS( Feeneyite).So there was a rupture with EENS( Feeneyite) as it was known to the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century, or as it was known to St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dominic and the Jesuit saints.
So the contemplative orders according to Archbishop Carballo would have to interpret all magisterial documents with Cushingism, which is a rupture with Tradition and the Catholic faith, held by the founders of the religious communities.
Image result for Photos of new one world religion
Image result for Photos of new one world religion
So before they hand over their property and independence in formation and spirituality, they must be aware of this and appeal to Pope Francis.In a new one world religion with different concepts of Jesus, sin and salvation they will be part of a new Catholic Church. -Lionel Andrades


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