Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Michael Voris and the two popes remain heretical and schismatic, but politically correct with the Left and so are non controversial

From the CMTV website

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)

Lionel: The Holy Father Pope Benedict like the SSPX and CMTV(Church Militant TV) interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of irrational and traditional Feeneyite theology. So there is a schism with the past popes and there is a heretical rupture with Tradition. The SSPX rejects this conclusion and the others accept it.
They all do not know that with the theology of Feeneyism there would be no rupture with Tradition and no schism with the past popes.

The position of concerning the SSPX is that of the Holy Father, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, as expressed in the motu proprio Ecclesiae Unitatem, issued July 2, 2009:
Lionel: I have mentioned it often and there is no clarification from the Vatican or CMTV.There can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is a rupture and the other is a continuity with Tradition. If hypothetical cases are considered simply hypothetical or if they are wrongly assumed to be known people saved outside the Church, determines the interpretation.
So for me the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to unknown non Catholics, physically invisible people in 2018. So they are not objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
Similarly LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, refer to hypothetical cases only, theoretical possibilities for me, so Vatican Council II is  not a rupture with the dogma EENS ( Feeneyite).
So for me EENS and Vatican Council II are Feeneyite. Similarly BOD,BOB and I.I are also Feeneyite.
But for Pope Benedict and Michael Voris BOD, BOB and I.I refer to known people saved outside the Church. BOD, BOB and I.I are objective exceptions to Feeneyiite EENS. So they are Cushingites , for me.If there were no known people saved outside the Church there would not be exceptions to EENS for them.
Likewise LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, GS 22 ,UR e etc refer to known people saved outside the Church and so are objective exceptions to EENS ( Feeneyite).So this is Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) for them.If these were references to unknown and invisible people for them in 2018, then of course there would be no exceptions to EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology.
Upon the past exclusivist ecclesiology ( Feeneyite theology) depended the ecumenism or return, traditional Mission etc.
Upon the new non exclusivist ecclesiology( Cushingite theology) depends the new ecumenism, new evangelisation etc.
So we have Vatican Council II  (Feeneyite or Cushingite), EENS( Feeneyite or Cushingite), BOD, BOB and I.I( Feeneyite or Cushingite).
Pope Benedict has always been a Cushingite and he wants the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II (Cushingite) just as CMTV, has compromised.
In the same spirit and with the same commitment to encouraging the resolution of all fractures and divisions in the Church and to healing a wound in the ecclesial fabric that was more and more painfully felt, I wished to remit the excommunication of the four Bishops illicitly ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre. With this decision I intended to remove an impediment that might have jeopardized the opening of a door to dialogue and thereby to invite the Bishops and the "Society of St. Pius X" to rediscover the path to full communion with the Church​. As I explained in my Letter to the Catholic Bishops of last 10 March, the remission of the excommunication was a measure taken in the context of ecclesiastical discipline to free the individuals from the burden of conscience constituted by the most serious of ecclesiastical penalties. However, the doctrinal questions obviously remain and until they are clarified the Society has no canonical status in the Church and its ministers cannot legitimately exercise any ministry. (emphasis added) 
Lionel: So ' the path to full communion' for Pope Benedict is the SSPX accepting Vatican Council II and EENS Cushingite which is heretical and a schism with the past popes. 
Pope Benedict is free to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS Feeneyite but he will not do so.
In March 2016(Avvenire) he affirmed in public Vatican Council II and EENS, Cushingite.He had an option, like me. He could have endorsed EENS and Vatican Council II, Feeneyite. Then EENS today would not be a rupture with EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century. Also Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) would not be a rupture with EENS ( Feeneyite), as it was known in the 16th century.
So with EENS and Vatican Council II (Cushingite), Pope Benedict created a rupture with the Magisterium of the 16th century on EENS( Feeneyite).
The SSPX bishops were excommunicated and their illicit consecrations defined as schismatic in the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei issued July 2, 1988. The excommunications have been lifted, but the canonical status of the SSPX remains unchanged. 
Lionel: The SSPX must continue to reject Vatican Council II (Cushingite) and they must ask Pope Benedict to set an example and affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and also EENS( Feeneyite).
There are two important points here:
1. The SSPX is not in full communion with the Church and is invited by the Church to rediscover this path. 
Lionel: The 'Church' is not in full communion with 'the Church' of the past, example the 16th century. Pope Benedict was in public heresy in March 2016 when he said that EENS according to the Magisterium of the 16th century was for him no more the EENS of today.
2. The SSPX has no canonical status in the Church and its ministers cannot legitimately exercise any ministry.
Lionel: They need to affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which is a continuation with Tradition and then show the present Magisteriium, that they are in schism and heresy, in an unprecedented, 'magisterial heresy' and this cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.
The SSPX, for all its many good qualities, does not consist of faithful Roman Catholics because communion with the Chair of Peter is a constitutive part of Roman Catholicism — something the SSPX accepts in principle but rejects in practice.
Lionel: The present two popes also seem to accept it in principle but reject it in practice.
 The SSPX has "no canonical status," "no legitimate ministry," is "invited to rediscover the path to full communion," has no faculties from any bishop, is not part of the divinely ordained hierarchical structure of the Church, and all its priests are suspended a divinis. No individual or group can seriously claim to be Catholic and have all this true of themselves.
Lionel: They are in an irregular situation since we have an irregular magisterium.It enforces heresy and schism in the Church.It ignores a rational and traditional theology, only to be politically correct with the Left and the other enemies of the Church.
We are well aware of ongoing dialogue between the SSPX and Rome. It is to be fervently hoped that this dialogue results in a return of the SSPX to full communion with the Church, granting its bishops and clergy canonical status and the authority to exercise ministry.
Lionel: CMTV could help by discussing the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism as a philosophy and theology and how it affects the interpretation of Vatican Council II. May be they could do an F.B.I program on this. I would be glad to help.They can e-mail me for any information.
 Reconciliation of the SSPX with the Church would be a great blessing for the Church but most especially for the SSPX. The SSPX has consistently refused the most generous and magnanimous invitations from the Church to reconcile and place itself under the authority of the Vicar of Christ, rejecting his dogmatically defined "full power of shepherding, ruling and governing the universal Church," a power "ordinary and immediate over all the churches and over each and every member of the faithful" ("The Pope Exercises Supreme Jurisdiction" [Original Italian here]).
Lionel: The present two popes first need to reconcile themselves with a rational and traditional theology. Then they need to affirm the doctrines which emerge. This would mean a return to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return....
Perhaps the SSPX fears it will be crushed by an unsympathetic hierarchy and pope.
Lionel: If the Pope and the hierarchy interpret magisterial documents with a rational theology the SSPX has nothing to fear, since the conclusion would be traditional.Rome would have come back to the Faith as Archbishop Lefebvre wanted.
 Perhaps it is justified in such fearful apprehensions. But there is precedent in the history of the Church — in the lives of the saints, in the life of Our Lord Himself — for risking or allowing oneself to be crushed by obedience. 
Lionel: CMTV could take a risk and comment on what I mean by Feeneyism and Cushingism and how CMTV was  wrong all these years with their Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS.
Until such time as the SSPX chooses to reconcile with the Church, must support the judgment of the Holy Father and the Church concerning its status.
Lionel: CMTV and the popes are Cushingites. For them BOD, BOB and I.I refer to hypothetical cases in 2018 and so there is a rupture with EENS in 2018. This is fantasy theology  and not the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Also for CMTV and the popes, LG 8 etc refer to objective people, known in 2018 saved outside the Church.This is irrational.
So CMTV and the two popes remain heretical and schismatic, but politically correct with the enemies of the Church and so are not controversial.In this way CMTV can defend itself and tell their liberal opponents that they follow 'the teachings of the Magisterium'.-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite Photos

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