Thursday, May 10, 2018

Joseph Ratzinger’s "Liberating freedom. Faith and politics in the third millennium" published by Cantagalli, will be launched at the Italian Senate tomorrow : more theology for the Left from Pope Emeritus

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Joseph Ratzinger’s "Liberating freedom. Faith and politics in the third millennium" published by Cantagalli, will be launched at the Italian Senate, Sala Zuccari, in Via della Dogana Vecchia in Rome, on Friday 11 May at 6pm.

Image result for Photo of Italian senate

MAY 10, 2018

Archbishop Lefebvre was misled and now Pope Benedict continues to produce theology for the Left : Liberating Freedom: Faith and Politics in the Third Millennium / Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, “Liberare la libertà. Fede e politica nel terzo millennio” ( Cantagalli)

MAY 9, 2018

Pope Benedict produces theology for the Left : new book Liberating Freedom: Faith and Politics in the Third Millennium / Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, “Liberare la libertà. Fede e politica nel terzo millennio” ( Cantagalli)

-Lionel Andrades

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