Saturday, May 26, 2018

Ramadan in Pakistan: Sunni Muslim mob tears down historic Ahmadi mosque


Sunni Muslims consider Ahmadi Muslims heretics. In Ramadan, the month in which Muslims redouble their efforts to please Allah, the attackers see attacks such as this one as acts of piety and demonstrations of their devotion to Islam. Ironically, in the United States, prominent Ahmadi Muslim spokesmen such as Qasim Rashid and Haris Zafar constantly side with their Sunni persecutors, and join them in defaming and vilifying those who oppose the same jihad terror that victimizes their people in Pakistan and Indonesia. Why? Apparently loyalty to Islam, including loyalty even those who persecute them in the name of Islam, is more important than everything else.
“Historic Ahmadi mosque demolished by mob in Pakistan,” The New Arab, May 24, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
A mob in Pakistan tore down a historic mosque belonging to the country’s Ahmadi community on Thursday, in the latest act of violence against the minority Muslim sect.
The attack took place in the eastern Pakistani city of Sialkot, with videos showing Sunni extremists tearing down the place of worship. No worshippers are believed to have been in the mosque at the time of the attack.
The mosque had been an important place of worship for Pakistan’s persecuted Ahmadi sect for the past 135 years.
It was said to be visited by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who founded the faith and is considered to be a prophet by its followers.
Ahmadis were declared “non-Muslims” by Pakistan in 1974, depriving them of many basic rights.
Ahmadis say that dozens of other mosques in Pakistan have been destroyed or closed down by authorities….

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