Saturday, May 19, 2018

Rome Censors Pro-Life Posters Calling Abortion ‘The Prime Cause of Femicide'

an anti-abortion poster in Rome.

On Wednesday, the municipality of Rome, Italy decided to censor pro-life posters denouncing abortion as the primary cause of femicide. Sex-selective abortion remains tragically common across the world, but feminists complained about the scourge of sex-selective abortion being compared to the killing of women in other contexts.
"They said it's illegal to campaign against abortion. In our opinion, it's a clear case of ideological censorship," Filippo Savarese, campaign director at CitizenGO Italia, told PJ Media.
His pro-life organization erected the posters throughout Rome in preparation for Italy's March for Life this coming Saturday, which marks the 40th anniversary of Law 194, which made abortion legal within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy and in cases of fetal abnormalities or threats to the life of the mother.
"Abortion is the prime cause of femicide in the world," the black-and-white posters declared.

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