Thursday, June 28, 2018

Repost : Archbishop of Dublin who uses irrational theology says Maria Divine Mercy messages contradict theology

 APRIL 17, 2014

Archbishop of Dublin who uses irrational theology says Maria Divine Mercy messages contradict theology

Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself “Maria Divine Mercy” and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology.
These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations. 
These messages have also been condemned by the following bishops who use an irrational theology on salvation and reject Tradition based on this irratonality - similar to Pope Francis.
Archbishop Denis J Hart, Melbourne Australia
Bishop Fabbro, London Diocese, Ontario, Canada
Bishop Stephen Secka of Spisska, Slovakia
Bishop Richard. J. Malone, Archbishop of Buffalo, NY
Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Bishop of Brisbane, Australia
Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ , Bishop of the Diocese of Port PirieSouth Australia

Bishop Andreas Laun of Salzburg, Austria
In general, salvation theology has gone completely off the rails. Even educated Catholics cannot explain themself or make sense. It is 'Yes everyone needs to enter the Church' and also 'No every one does not need to enter the Church'.The cardinals and bishops are comfortable with the irrational version.
All have to interpret Vatican Council II with the illusion of being able to see the dead-saved. These deceased are allegedly in Heaven saved with the baptism of desire etc and are also visible to the naked eye on earth.So they become alleged exceptions to Tradition. This is fantasy and irrationality.This is the theology of those who attended the Mass of the Chrism today.-Lionel Andrades

Cardinals and bishops are promoting a lie in public for political and personal reasons : the Catholic Faith is

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