Thursday, June 28, 2018

Bosnia: Recently repaired Orthodox church set on fire

There is no information yet about who did this, but it is noteworthy that the church was just repaired. “The subject peoples … are forbidden to build new churches.” (Reliance of the Traveller, o11.5). Islamic law also forbids Christians to repair existing churches. That this was a jihad attack cannot be ruled out.
“Bosnia: Recently repaired Orthodox church set on fire,”, June 25, 2018:
Unknown perpetrators have set a Serbian Orthodox church on fire in the town of Visoko, in the Croat-Muslim entity (FBiH) of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Sarajevo-based website is reporting that the incident happened in the night between Saturday and Sunday, and that “a majority of objects” inside the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos – including icons and holy books – has been destroyed, along with a portion of the roof.
A local website in Visoki said that the main part of the altar has also been “broken.”… noted in its report that this church was previously repaired over a period of two years, to be consecrated in September 2017

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