Friday, June 8, 2018

Ex-Gay Movement on the rise

Ex-Gay Movement on the Rise

Nicolosi: Toleration of homosexuals versus acceptance of homosexuality

A clinical psychologist in California, now deceased, unmasked the gay pride movement that speaks about toleration of homosexuals but really wants an acceptance of the gay lifestyle.
The late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Sr., a pioneer in gay reparative therapy, called out four myths that are being pushed by "many social-political forces" which want to have the gay lifestyle accepted as normal. These myths are:
  1. 10 percent of the population is homosexual
  2. You're born gay
  3. Once gay, always gay
  4. Homosexuality is normal in every way
Nicolosi points out that the gay pride movement pushes the term "gay" as an identifier of who a person is but will not speak about a person who has a same-sex attraction. He adds that even though the push for toleration of such people is their stated goal, what they really are after is for people to believe the above four myths so that they are accepting of homosexual behavior.
In debunking the four myths, Nicolosi, whose son is carrying on his reparative therapy work in California, said the reasons people exhibit a same-sex attraction are typically related to much deeper issues such as having been sexually abused or having a wounded relationship with their father. He said 10 percent of the population does not exhibit symptoms of same-sex attraction, and the real number is less than two percent.
Shooting down the non-scientific idea that a person is somehow born gay, Nicolosi replied, "There's no conclusive evidence that it's biological or genetically predetermined. In fact, there's much more evidence for early childhood factors — especially the relationship with the parents as determining the sexual orientation."
Nicolosi has proven time and again that it's a lie for people to say a person involved in the homosexual lifestyle cannot change. Speaking to this point, Nicolosi stated, "We believe it's possible for an individual who is motivated to diminish their same-sex attraction, if they're motivated, if they experience their same-sex attraction as disturbing to them."
Same-sex attraction is often accompanied by a host of abnormal behaviors, Nicolosi said. The gay pride movement, however, often hides many of these personal issues in attempts to make homosexuals seem to have no other conflicts in their life.

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