Saturday, June 2, 2018

EXTRA ECCLESIAM NULLA SALLUS? :We can interpret Lumen Gentium 14 with Feeneyism instead of the common Cushingite interpretation in this video

This is a Catholic apologetics group from the Phillpines which interprets extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism.
'Do we mean that only Catholics will be saved,' they ask and then answer 'NO'.
Practically only Catholics will be saved since this is the teaching of the dogma EENS. This is the ordinary means of salvation. This is the norm.(John 3:5, Mark 16:16).This would be Feeneyism.
Hypothetically, in theory one can presume that there are people who can be saved outside the Church. This would be speculation, though.Also in individual cases we cannot know who will be an exception to the general rule for salvation, which is faith and baptism in the Catholic Church.
The video says that only those who intentionally abandon the Catholic Faith will not be saved.
It is true that those who abandon the Faith will not be saved but also all people in general who are outside the Catholic Church will not be saved.
So why does this video say only those who intentionally do not enter the Church  will not be saved?
Since they are confused with Lument Gentium 14(LG 14).
LG 14 comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which infers that there are known people saved in invincible ignorance. So only those who know about Jesus and the Church, who are not in ignorance, and do not enter will not be saved.
But this is false since there are no  known cases of someone being saved in invincible ignorance. This was a false premise used by the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
So when Vatican Council II refers to invincible ignorance, directly or indirectly, it is referring to a zero case in our reality.There are no known people saved in invincible ignorance. This was a mistake of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which was repeated at Vatican Council II.
So today we can interpret Vatican Council II (LG 14) with Cushingism or Feeneyism. We can assume that LG 14 refers to known people saved outside the Church( Cushingism) who were in ingnorance and are now saved or are going to be saved , or, it refers to unknown people who never ever were exceptions to the dogma EENS. So we can interpret LG 14 with Feeneyism.
All need to enter the Church for salvation, all in general and this includes 'those who know and those who do not know'.-Lionel Andrades

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