Saturday, June 2, 2018

Jesus is the King of the Universe and this must be expressed at all levels of society

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The Catholic Church tells us that most people  are in Hell since they die without faith and baptism(AG 7) whether they are in ignorance or whether they know about Jesus and the Catholic Church.The Church says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7). All. So it is not only those who know. It includes all those who know and who do not know.
This means all non Catholics are oriented to Hell whether they know it or not.Those who know and convert into the Catholic Church are the fortunate ones.
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The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion, the worship of Yahweh with the final and eternal Covenant made by Jesus  through His Death and Sacrifice.
Today all the enemies of the Church, are uniting under Satan, and they want to give a Final Death Blow to the Catholic Church but they will only help in purifying it.The Church will emerge pure, vibrant and evangelical.This is what Our Lady tells us.
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We can no more always identify the Catholic Church with the popes, cardinals and bishops who are today often teaching heresy and schism influenced by Satan.
However Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and the teachings of the Church are still the same.
We know most people are in Hell, even though there are good things in other religions and the Holy Spirit can act outside the visible boundaries of the Church.
However for salvation all need to be members of the Catholic Church and follow the moral and faith teachings and avail of the Sacraments.It is necessary for all society to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church after Catholics proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political and social legislation.Jesus is the King of the Universe and this must be expressed at all levels of society.-Lionel Andrades

MAY 23, 2018

In a secular state which allows freedom of religion there could be pro-Catholic political parties, supporting the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and affirming in their manifesto the Social Reign of Christ the King

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MAY 22, 2018
Cardinal Burke: False religions that permit abortion should be suppressed

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