Saturday, June 2, 2018

Part 2 : No Salvation outside the Church- Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Authenticum Lectur...

Continued 1
(Time 39:33) With the discovery of the Americas... these people never heard the Gospel, their ancestors who lived before them they never heard the Gospel  are they just all damned?, Dr. Fastiggi asks.
Cushingism would say that there are known exceptions so all of them are not damned. Feenyism would reason that there can be no known exceptions to the dogma EENS and so they are all damned. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and Ad Gentes 7( all need faith and baptism for salvation) is the ordinary means of salvation. Invincible ignorance is not the ordinary way.
He then quotes hypothetical cases referred to by Spanish theologians as if they are no hypothetical..He  cites the Council of Trent  and mentions the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I). He mentions implicit baptism of desire. In other words these are references to known people saved outside the Church. Since if they are simply hypothetical cases they cannot be relevant to EENS. An invisible person cannot be an example of salvation outside the Church in 2018.Yet this was how the liberal theologians interpreted I.I. and BOD. Possibilities and theoretical cases , referred to in the past, for Dr. Fastiggi are exceptions to the Feeneyite EENS.
For me BOD and I.I are not relevant or exceptions to EENS since they are hypothetical and theoretical cases only.This is Feeneyism. It is different from Dr. Fastiggi's Cushingite reasoning.
So even if a person is saved in invincible ignorance, as mentioned by a pope, this is  mentioned with hope, compassion and speculation.The popes do not state that these actually known people, saved as such.Yet Dr. Fastiggi suggests that they are otherwise why mention it with reference to outside the Church there is no salvation.
He then affirms the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which says people whom we cannot see or known on earth are known and visible exceptions to the dogma EENS. This was heresy.They were now interpreting EENS with Cushingism.Then in 1965 the liberals  will interpret even Vatican Council II with Cushingism, like Dr. Fastiggi.
Dr.Fastiggi calls this ' a big breakthrough'. However the breakthrough involves accepting that there is explicit and objective BOD, in certain known persons and so these are objective examples of salvation outside the Church. This is the reasoning of an adult Catholic professor of theology.
(54:30) People were saying that we have re-thought missionary activity. Of course.Since Cushingism says there is known salvation outside the Church.There are known cases of non Catholics saved with BOD, BOB and I.I. There is the known case of a Protestant saved as an Anonymous Christian.So if there is salvation outside the Catholic Church why have mission? If people are saved outside the Church and they are known to us, then why proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King ? So we can have a New Ecumenism replace the old ecumenism of return, and Catholics can evangelize alongside the Protestants, as it is now officially being done, in the New Evangelisation.
(55:01) Dominus Iesus was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).Dr.Fastiggi cites Dominus Iesus11 which is Christological. It cannot affirm the exclusivist ecclesiology since Cardinal Ratzinger was a Cushingite. He interprets LG 14 etc  with Cushingism.He rejects Feeneyism.
(57:49) He asks how can we judge the Orthodox Christians etc. He has already judged them as being exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation, which is faith and baptism in the Catholic Church.He cannot say they are oriented to Hell.This was the ecclesiology of the Church for centuries.
He then quotes the Feeneyite passage of Dominus Iesus (20).It would be followed by a Cushingite passage for Dr.Fastiggi, which I would interpret with Feeneyism.So there would be no passages to contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.

He finally says that the Fr. Leonard Feeney case contributed to a development of doctrine. Since it was understood that 'implicit baptism of desire' was an exception to Feeneyite EENS. He is referring to an objective example of salvation outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades


JUNE 2, 2018

No Salvation outside the Church- Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Authenticum Lectur...: irrational Cushingite theology being promoted

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