Sunday, June 24, 2018

Repost : Cardinal Raymond Burke's statement at the Voice of the Family Conference is sound orthodoxy in harmony with Vatican Council II

MAY 28, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke's statement at the Voice of the Family Conference is sound orthodoxy in harmony with Vatican Council II.

Vatican Council II is positive towards other religions in Nostra Aetate since with a false premise it has rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This cannot be the action of the Holy Spirit.This is human error. Since the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) never ever were objective exceptions to EENS.In principle the Council Fathers (1960-1965) assumed hypothetical cases were objective exceptions to EENS, not only in Nostra Aetate but in the rest of Vatican Council II  e.g LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc.
So this is a flaw in Vatican Council II.
In principle they made a mistake.
They violated the Principle of Non Contradiction. Since a person saved with the baptism of desire(LG 14) etc would be in Heaven. He could not be on earth to be an exception to EENS. A person cannot be in two places at the same time.
Even though this is a flaw in Vatican Council II-the mixing up of what is invisble as being visible-we can still  affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS knowing that Vatican Council II (LG 8 etc) are not exceptions.They are simply hypothetical cases. Similarly we can affirm Feeneyite EENS knowing that BOD, BOB and I.I never ever were exceptions.
Vatican Council II interpreted with hypothetical cases being considered exceptions to EENS I callVatican Council II (Cushingite).
Vatican Council II interpreted with hypothetical cases not being objective exceptions to EENS I callVatican Council II (Feneeyite).
Similarly there can also be a Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994)Feeneyite or Cushingite.
Likewise BOD, BOB and I.I can be interpreted as being Feeneyite or Cushingite.
Cushingism is the irrational and common interpretation of EENS.
However Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Voice of the Family Conference on May 18,2018 was interpreting Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.EENS was also Feeneyite for him, judging from what he said.
When he said that other religions were false, it meant that for him there was no contradiction in Vatican Council II and instead that this was a teaching of the Council. So with the Catholic Church being the only true Church(LG 8) he proclaimed the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
If he was asked to provide text in the Council which supports on extra ecclesiam nulla salus he simply would quote Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7.1 It is Feeneyite.
If he was asked how could he say that other religions were false he would quote Ad Gentes 7, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. Vatican Council II is saying that the majority of people die outside the Church and so are oriented to Hell.
Since most people are on the way to Hell withour faith and baptism in the Catholic Church,the priority must be the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and the non separation of Church and State.
So he does not have to reject Vatican Council II( Feeneyite). He can interpret the Catechism(Feeneyite), BOD, BOB and I.I (Feeneyite) and EENS according to the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century. So his ecclesiology at the Tridentine Latin Mass would be the same as over the centuries. There would be no new theology, new ecumenism, new ecclesiology and new evangelisation since the old ecclesiology is intact, before and after, Vatican Council II.
He does not reject BOD, BOB and I.I but accepts them as being hypothetical cases only.This is Feeneyism. 
If he assumed that BOD, BOB and I.I were physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church, this would be irrational. This would be Cushingism.
Similarly he does not have to reject LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc when he accepts exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.  Since these are hypothetical cases. This is reading Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.
If he interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being exceptions to traditional EENS, then he implies that there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church. This would be irrational. This would of course be Cushingism.
So Cardinal Raymond Burke's statement at the Voice of the Family Conference is sound orthodoxy in harmony with Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades


 Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door...
And hence missionary activity today as always retains its power and necessity.
By means of this activity, the Mystical Body of Christ unceasingly gathers and directs its forces toward its own growth (cf. Eph. 4:11-16). The members of the Church are impelled to carry on such missionary activity by reason of the love with which they love God and by which they desire to share with all men the spiritual goods of both its life and the life to come.
Finally, by means of this missionary activity, God is fully glorified, provided that men fully and consciously accept His work of salvation, which He has accomplished in Christ. -Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.

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