Friday, June 29, 2018

Repost : Only when we do not use the inference Vatican Council is traditional

JUNE 11, 2014

Only when we do not use the inference Vatican Council is traditional

I’m afraid that we have an unfortunate state of affairs whereby one does have to, outwardly at least, in the Novus Ordo Church, obey the Second Vatican Council unconditionally.
There is a Vatican Council with an irrational premise used in the interpretation and there is one without it.
There is a Vatican Council II with a false premise which makes the Council ambigous and there is one without the premise and ambiguity.
There is a Vatican Council II which is in perfect agreement with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and there is a Vatican Council II ( with the inference) which is a break with Tradition and the dogma on exclusive salvation.
Your PP was using one of the two interpretations.
When we speak about Vatican Council II ( without the inference of explicit exceptions) then the Council affirms Tradition.
Only if we do not use the inference is the Council traditional.
-Lionel Andrades

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