Friday, June 29, 2018

Repost : Response to Chris Ferrara on the Creative Minority Report

JUNE 5, 2014

Response to Chris Ferrara on the Creative Minority Report

Chris Ferrara14 days ago
But of course traditionalists ARE schismatics---from the Church of the "new orientation of Vatican II." This Church does not really exist, but rather consists of an ensemble of rootless novelties first introduced in the sixties and seventies. As long as the fanatics of Vatican II are alive, however, the persecution will continue. Truly one of the most bizarre epochs in Church history, rivaling if not surpassing the Arian crisis in magnitude. As Saint Basil said then: "Only one offense is vigorously punished--an accurate observance of our fathers' traditions." Sound familiar?
  • Traditionalists are not schismatics. I affirm Vatican Council II and also the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.Since I do not use an irrational inference in the interpretation.I have explained this often on my blog Eucharist and Mission.
    The new orientation of Vatican Council II comes with the use of a false premise in the interpretation.This is the premise also used by traditionalists.
    The Church does exist.The magisterial texts of the Church are traditional.With the inference emerge the errors and heresies.
    The 'fanatics of Vatican Council II' are using the false premise in the interpretation of the Council. So the Council is non traditional. They want the Franciscans of the Immaculate to also accept this irrational version of Vatican Council II to be able to once again offer the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM).
    The traditionalists, including Chris Ferrara and other members of the Roman Forum do not want to affirm Vatican Council II in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Here is the problem. They assume that the baptism of desire refers to visible to us cases in 2014. This is the false premise. We cannot see the dead. So the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were never exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma by Fr.Leonard Feeney,in the first place.
    So being saved with ' a ray of the Truth' and 'seeds of the Word' are not exceptions to Tradition unless you assume that these cases are explicit, seen in the flesh.
    The traditionalists do not want to afirm the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation and so now ,for example at the Roman Forum meeting in Italy, June 20, at which Chris Ferrara will be present, they will not affirm Vatican Council ( without the irrational premise).
    Unfortunately this problem existed with friends of the Franciscans of the Immaculatem, like Bruno Gherardini and Roberto de Mattei. So there is no one to tell the Franciscans of the Immaculate to go ahead and affirm Vatican Council II ( without the inference) and this will be in accord with Tradition.They can then ask Fr.Fidenzio Volpi to do the same.
    At least the Commissar cannot then claim that the FFI are rejecting Vatican Council II and so they cannot be allowed to offer the TLM.

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