Friday, June 29, 2018

Repost : So when I meet a non Catholic, I know he is on the way to Hell since the Church tells us so and it is not because I can read souls

JUNE 12, 2014

So when I meet a non Catholic, I know he is on the way to Hell since the Church tells us so and it is not because I can read souls

Anyone who says there are exceptions, infers they can see the dead.They infer there is salvation outside the Church.
“The Church” never points to individuals and says he/she is not saved.
And except for the saints the Church never says he or she is in Heaven, including Judas, whom Scripture indicates is damned.
That is prohibited to us – only God sees the soul and knows its disposition.
We  cannot read souls and neither the do popes claim that they can read souls.
However the  Church does tell us that all need 'faith and baptism' (AG 7,Vatican Council II) for salvation.
The Church does tell us that those who do not convert into the Church are oriented to Hell which has fire.(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441, extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
So the Church is telling us that all Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Protestants and other non Catholics are on the way to Hell unless they convert with 'faith and baptism'.
The Church is saying that all the Jews,Muslims and others in England in 2014 are on the way to Hell without Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.
The Church is telling us that in Heaven there are only Catholics there who have died without mortal sin and with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.
Jesus tells us that those who do not believe will be condemned. The Bible and the Church tell us that mortal sins lead to Hell.
So when I meet a non Catholic, I know he is on the way to Hell since the Church tells us so and it is not because I can read souls.
 Anyone who IS saved, however, can only be saved through the Church.
So, give up chasing this nonsensical straw man, Lionel. Life is too short. If you think bloggers will read these lengthy posts, read again – I can see your heresy in the first few lines and don’t read further, so you can bet your bottom dollar that nobody else will plough through these lengthy comments.
'I can see your heresy'?
It is heresy to allege that you can see the dead saved with the baptism of desire who are visible to you in Scotland and so you reject the traditional interpretation of the ex cathedra dogma on salvation. You rejct it with visible- in- Scotland exceptions.
Anyone who says there are exceptions, infers they can see the dead.They infer there is salvation outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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