Friday, June 29, 2018

Repost : That Vatican Council II is pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney is frightening not only for the liberals but also traditionalists

JANUARY 22, 2014

That Vatican Council II is pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney is frightening not only for the liberals but also traditionalists

Father Settimo Mannelli F.I, Rector of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary and parish at Boccea, Rome was not willing to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So how will he affirm a Vatican Council II which is pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney? Fr.Settimo  offered the Traditional Latin Mass.He  is the nephew of Fr.Stefano Manelli the founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate who is still in 'quarantine'.
Similarly Fr. Francesco Giordano, also a religious formattor with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate did not want to affirm the traditional understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was convenient for him to project Vatican Council II as a break with  the dogma on salvation and with Tradition in general.
Likewise Fr. Joseph Kramer, FSSP , Pastor at the Church Santissima Trinità deo Pellegrini, Rome, where the Traditional Latin Mass is available would not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Also these traditionalists in Rome are making a doctrinal error in assuming salvation referred to in Vatican Council II is visible to us and so an exception to every one needing to enter the Church, with faith and baptism, for salvation.
Fr.Francesco Giordano, who specializes in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, knows by now that there are no known exceptions in Vatican Council II. He still will not affirm the dogma in public . He will not proclaim in public a dogma on exclusive salvation in accord with Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
He received his Masters Theology degree from the liberals at the Angelicum University, claiming there were known exceptions to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. So for them Vatican Council II (LG 16) would also be a break with the past because of these visible exceptions.
We have traditionalists here, good people, who accept doctrine which is convenient and non threathening to their way of life.
Soon Rorate Caeili will have another report saying Vatican Council II is a sad break with the traditional teaching on other religions. This would be politically acceptable.

Even the American Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate priest who writes on the blog Mary Victrix, one of those opposed to Fr.Manelli, would not accept a Vatican Council II which is pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney.In correspondence with me  he was extremely anti SSPX. he would post reports with titles like 'SSPX checkmated'. he did not want the SSPX to come into the Church with full canonical status.

For him salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II would be explicit. Fr.Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap., is not going to ask this FFI priest  to affirm traditional doctrine and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The rest of the Franciscans of the Immaculate now have to accept a Vatican Council II in which all salvation referred to is visible for all. This is ludicrous. 

I accept Vatican Council II. I accept that all salvation mentioned in the Council is not physically visible to me and others. I deny a Vatican Council II in which it is implied that we can see people now in Heaven. Since there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus I reject the theology of religions and a new ecclesiology based on this factual error.

At an FFI conference in Rome  one of the speakers, the layman Prof. Roberto dei Mattei refused to answer the two questions I put to him in writing. It would seem he did not want to affirm the dogma clearly.He has written books on Vatican Council II  in which he has assumed salvation referred to in the Council, is visible to him. He may criticize Tariq Ramadan vaguely  but will not say Vatican Council II (AG 7) indicates all Muslims are oriented to Hell and the Council does not mention any exceptions. There are no exceptions in 2014 to the dogma on exclusive salvation. He will probably write more books on Vatican Council II with the same error.

The priests and lay Catholic professors at the Pontifical universities in Rome are not going to put their careers and life style at stake by affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus or admitting that Vatican Council II is in agreement with this dogma as it was known over centuries.They are aware of what I am writing here. I get e-mail warnings from some of them. There are Dominican priests for example at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) Rome who do not want to discuss this issue. It  is a lie for them to say that the dead are visible and so there are exceptions to the dogma yet they will persist in this error when teaching.An elderly Dominican priest-professor who teaches Philosophy at the Angelicum  once said in class, at the Beda Pontifical College,Rome,  the Catholic seminary of the Bishops of England and Wales, that it was all right for a Catholic to join a Freemason social club.The Freemasons, would oppose the dogma on exclusive salvation.

Lay Catholics should hold a Press Conference in Rome and elsewhere and show how Vatican Council II is pro extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was known for centuries, and how the Vicariate in Rome and the Vatican is hiding this knowledge.
-Lionel Andrades



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