Thursday, June 28, 2018

Repost . Traditionalists do not want to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Another wasted conference in England today.

MAY 24, 2014

Traditionalists do not want to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Another wasted conference in England today.

Traditionalists do not want to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Another wasted conference in England today.
The Vatican Council II which they do not want to discuss ( and quite a few of them know what I am saying) is the one without the false premise.
'The Traditional Mass and Evangelisation' is the theme of another Catholic conference in London.The speakers will not want to talk about Vatican Council II being in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is in agreement when an irrational inference is not used in the interpretation.  They do not want to speak about it.Since like many of the Catholic traditionalists in England they do not in public want to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam  nulla salus. They would like to be considered traditional but without publicly affirming exclusive salvation.
Prof. Thomas Pink
This would bring persecution and they want to avoid it. So they continue talking at these conferences on how Vatican Council II is a break with the past. This also happens to be the politically correct message of the liberals, dissidents, Freemasons etc.
Joseph Shaw the Latin Mass Society Chairman who lectures at Oxford will not answer two simple questions on the Catholic Faith, when asked on his blog. Neither will Prof. Thomas Pink one of the speakers at today's conference mention it.If he is not willing to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus, how can he claim that Vatican Council II is traditional with the irrational premise. A traditional Vatican Council II would not be popular at Kings College England where he is a lecturer.
University of Bristol logo.svg
So no traditionalist objects when  Gavin D'Costa, a professor of theology at the University of Bristol says that the Church teaches in Vatican Council II not every one needs to be a Catholic to be saved. He is saying on a video shown on the university's website that Catholics can see the dead. He  infers that he also can see the deceased now  saved with ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) in 2014. He knows of explict exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus!. So now for him every one does not need to enter the Church for salvation. Without this irrational inference of being able to see the dead-saved, he would have to admit that Vatican Council II does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus.A matured Catholic adult makes an irrational inference  upon which he build a fantasy theology and no traditional  Catholic conference mentions it.
So he interprets all salvation in Vatican Council II ( seeds of the Word(AG 11) etc with the inference of being able to see on earth objective cases of the deceased who are now in Heaven. With this absurdity Vatican Council II emerges as a break with Tradtion and the Catholic participants at today's conference are not going to correct him. They have their careers to protect.They probably say the same thing at work, as Gavin D'Costa.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Nor is  Bishop Athanasius Schneider going to affirm the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. There will be penalties from the Vatican. So he continues talking about a vague Syllabus of Errors needed on Vatican Council II. For him the baptism of desire is probably a visible exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney. In  other words the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII made an objective error. It is common knowledge that we human beings in general cannot see the dead.The baptism of desire is a possibility of salvation but not an exception to the dogma. 
They are not going to mention this at the  June 2014 conferences that there can be two interpretations of Vatican Council II.One is with the false premise and the other is without it. The Vatican Council II which they know of and discuss every year is the one with the false premise.The Vatican Council II which they do not want to discuss ( and quite a few of them know what I am saying) is the one without the false premise.
If they discuss the one without the false premise ( there being no exceptions) then they will have to support a Vatican Council II which affirms Tradition on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.This could get sticky. If they say there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the centuries old interpretation of the dogma on salvation, what will be the reaction in England ? We have to wait for a non  Catholic, secular journalist to find out this error and then discuss it.
This subject will not be discussed by Catholic traditionalists since the priority could be protecting ones reputation and life style.
Today in London they will repeat the same irrationality, and politically correct statements as those of the conferences of the Roman Forum and the Angelus Press. They will talk about the Traditional Mass without the traditional teaching on salvation.They will discuss Evangelisation without the traditonal dogma on salvation which was the basis for  evangelisation over the centuries.
-Lionel Andrades

May 20, 2014 
Bishop Athanasius Schneider and priests who offer the Traditional Latin Mass in Engand : two questions

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