Sunday, June 17, 2018

Vatican Council II supports Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus : Catholic journalists are still not aware of it

Vatican Council II does not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) it is being reported on this blog(Lionel's Blog) and Sandro Magister, Marco Tosatti, John Henry Weston and others have not reported on it.They probably need a lightening bolt from Heaven to revive their news-sense.
It's probably unbelievable for them too as it is unbelievable for most people until they start reasoning out and put the pieces together.
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Feeneyism( according to Lionel's Blog)  is the missing link, it is the last missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of what was formerly the simple teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.1
Superficially for most people Vatican Council II appears as a rupture with Traditional and EENS ( Feeneyite).
The text is still the same.But now just imagine hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc  are simply hypothetical. That's all.They refer to invisible people in 2018 . Fix this in your mind.GS 22, NA 2 etc do not refer to someone whom you can meet who saved outside the Church ( or even within the Church). It must be clear to you that you cannot see someone saved in Heaven or on earth with 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11, Vatican Council II).
So Vatican Council II is not referring to objective people saved outside the Church, who are known to us humans and they are there in Heaven with a good conscience and without the baptism of water(LG 16).There are no known cases of non Catholics in Heaven who are there in invincible ignorance(LG 16) and without faith and baptism(AG 7,LG 14).So this must clear- that there are no concrete, objective cases.De jure( in principle) we can speculate but de facto ( in real life) there are no practical exceptions to EENS, there are no examples of known people saved outside the Church.
So once this is clear start interpreting Vatican Council II, the Catechisms, the Nicene Creed, the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I)etc, - differently.You have changed your premise( invisible people are just invisible) and so your conclusion would be traditional. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are not objective exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.

So there is no New Ecumenism based on known salvation outside the Church.Since Vatican Council II is in harmony with EENS (Feeneyite). With EENS( Cushingite) it was possible to have the New Ecumenism.With the false premise it was normal.

There is no New Theology based on known cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance etc, outside the Church.
There is no New Ecclesiology which is a rupture with Tradition.
There can be no New Evangelisation, theologically, since other Christians need to enter the Church for salvation, according to Feeneyite EENS.They are presently all oriented to Hell with no known exceptions.
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite Photos
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite Photos
There can be no Revised Code of Canon Law based upon invisible for us BOD, BOB and I.I and invisible for us LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2 , GS 22 etc being mistaken as visible people saved outside the Church.This is a mistake in the 1983 Code of Canon Law.
Presently all juridical Catholics, those who hold responsible offices in the Church, have to affirm heresy as orthodoxy.Every one has to say that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS and so Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition.

With the past ecclesiology intact, since EENS( Feeneyite)  is back in its place in the Church, the Syllabus of Errors is no more obsolete and contradicted on ecumenism, Social Reign of Christ the King etc.

With BOD, BOB and I.I referring to unknown and invisible people in our reality, it means Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston was teaching orthodoxy  and the Holy Office, the Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits at Boston College in 1949, were teaching heresy and innovation.

Now we know that Vatican Council II supports EENS according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. It supports the past ecclesiology and the Syllabus of Errors. So the Society of St. Pius X, the Franciscans of the Immaculate, the sedevacantists CMRI, MHFM and all religious communities in the Catholic Church, should have no problem accepting Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) with canonical recognition.

It is to be seen who are the liberal cardinals who will adapt and affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). The Council  is no more ' a development' with EENS as it was interpreted by the missionaries in the 16th century.So Pope Benedict was wrong in March 2016.

So the Church still has an understanding of salvation as being superior and excluvive.Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.j made a mistake in the question and answer session at the Press Conference on Placuit Deo ( March 1, 2018).The CDF Prefect must be asked to issue a correction and an apology.-Lionel Andrades


OCTOBER 29, 2016

Image result for Photo of Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston

Feeneyism is the missing link

NOVEMBER 12, 2014

Cardinal Raymond Burke and Fr.Nicholas Gruner affirm the same error as do the liberals

 JUNE 27, 2014

Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake with the Letter of the Holy Office and carried it over into Vatican Council II

 JUNE 13, 2014

JUNE 11, 2014

The 'missing link' discovered : what makes Vatican Council II traditional or heretical

 DECEMBER 21, 2017

Franciscans of the Immaculate, SSPX, SBC can have their situation regularised : the doctrinal puzzle has been solved

Image result for photo of social reign of christ the king

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