Saturday, June 16, 2018

Vatican Council II supports the 'black and white position' on 'the Church's true teaching that "outside the Church there is no salvation".

From the blog Catholicism

Father Z on the ‘Feeneyites’

I call to mind also the situation of the late Fr. Leonard Feeney, SJ, and his “wildcat group” the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They took a black and white position on the Church’s true teaching that “outside the Church there is no salvation”.  This got them in hot water with the Holy See.  Eventually an understanding was hammered out. The so-called “Feeneyites” were able to be in union with the Church but without having to abjure their position about extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.-Fr.John Zuhlsdorf

Vatican Council II supports the 'black and white position' on 'the Church's true teaching that "outside the Church there is no salvation".
This is not known to Fr.John Zuhlsdorf.
-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 16, 2018

The Case of Fr. Leonard Feeney -No exceptions are mentioned in Vatican Council II to traditional EENS

JUNE 16, 2018

Vatican Council II is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesia nulla salus(EENS) as Fr. Leonard Feeney understood it

JUNE 16, 2018

Vatican Council II does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus irrespective of your opinion on Fr.Leonard Feeney

 JUNE 16, 2018

Vatican Council II does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus - whatever may be your view of Pope Pius XII and Fr.Leonard Feeney

 JUNE 10, 2018

So is the Lepanto Foundation using irrational Cushingism or traditional Feeneyism at the June 23 conference to interpret magisterial documents? We know the answer. Traditionalists are Cushingites on Vatican Council II

JUNE 9, 2018

Speakers at the Lepanto Foundation conference in Rome on June 23 do not know that there is a mistake in Lumen Gentium 14,Vatican Council II.They should be discussing it

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