Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Whatever is the propaganda against Fr. Leonard Feeney Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise, the error in the Council text , supports him and the popes and saints of the past, on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

Whatever is the propaganda against Fr. Leonard Feeney the bottom line is that Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise, the error in the Council text , supports him and the popes and saints of the past, on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

There is a mistake which has come into Vatican Council II, from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, and most Catholics are not aware of it. So they think Vatican Council II contradicts Fr. Leonard Feeney  on EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.Pope Benedict as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF),cultivated this error and did not correct it.

He sadly affirmed it again in March 2016 when he said that EENS was no more for him, like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.There was ' a development' with Vatican Council II for him,of course interpreted with the error, the mixing up of what is invisible as being objective,unknown as being known,non visible cases of the baptism of desire being visible, hypothetical cases of being saved in invincible ignorance being real people visible in the flesh.

So new doctrines were created with this error, like, everyone does not need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation, as a member, as it was taught in the past, but only those who knew about Jesus and the Church and its necessity for salvation and did not enter.So it was concluded by the liberal theologians that the natives in North America before Columbas went there, were not condemned since they were in invincible ignorance.The new norm for salvation now being those who know and who are not in ignorance.

This is what a young lady was telling me in a church yesterday morning at a parish summer program and what a priest was telling me after evening Mass the other day.
They have changed 'the rules' by assuming by assuming the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) like LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc,refer to known pèople saved outside the Church.How do they assume this? The theologians just choose to assume this and they are supported by the CDF.

But I am aware that these are references to hypothetical cases and so there is nothing in the Council to contradict EENS(Feeneyite), the Syllabus of Errors and the rest of Tradition as it was known to the missionaries and Magisterium in the 16th century.
I go back to the 'old rule' by avoiding the irrationlity in the Church today.

So whatever you may say about Fr. Leonard Feeney according to the liberal propaganda,I could explain to you how Vatican Council II supports him. So now I refer to a Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and an EENS ( Feeneyite).So Mission and Salvation for me today is black and white, it is black or white, you are in the Catholic Church or out,you are saved or not saved,in Heaven there are only Catholics and they are there with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14), Catholics are the new people of God(NA 4), the new Chosen People.The Early Christians were really the Early Catholics.

So when you read Vatican Council II and there are references to the baptism of desire or invincible ignorance etc, make a mental note, that these are not exceptions to the dogma EENS.They are not relevant to Feeneyite EENS.The Council Fathers(1965) picked up the error from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Pope Paul VI overlooked it.

So if you have a personal copy of Vatican Council II, you can underscore the references to hypothetical cases, abstract and theoretical cases.Then it is a clear, easy reading of Vatican Council II,supporting the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past. The Council is Feeneyite on EENS.You could do the same with the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994). Similarly underscore BOD, BOB and I.I when you read the Catechisms of Trent, Baltimore and Pius X.

The cardinals in 1949 read these Catechisms with the error and then with the same error issued the Letter to the Archbishop of Boston,mixing up what is invisible and unknown as being visible and known. Then this mistake was carried over into Vatican Council II since it was not corrected by Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII.
Here is how the pro-missionary passages of Ad Gentes 7 would look with the hypothetical references 1) underscored and then 2) removed and 3) with the Feeneyite passage emphasized.

7. This missionary activity derives its reason from the will of God, "who wishes all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, Himself a man, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:45), "neither is there salvation in any other" (Acts 4:12). Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."(17) Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6), yet a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel. And hence missionary activity today as always retains its power and necessity.
By means of this activity, the Mystical Body of Christ unceasingly gathers and directs its forces toward its own growth (cf. Eph. 4:11-16). The members of the Church are impelled to carry on such missionary activity by reason of the love with which they love God and by which they desire to share with all men the spiritual goods of both its life and the life to come.
Finally, by means of this missionary activity, God is fully glorified, provided that men fully and consciously accept His work of salvation, which He has accomplished in Christ. In this way and by this means, the plan of God is fulfilled - that plan to which Christ conformed with loving obedience for the glory of the Father who sent Him,(18) that the whole human race might form one people of God and be built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit which, being the expression of brotherly harmony, corresponds with the inmost wishes of all men. And so at last, there will be realized the plan of our Creator who formed man to His own image and likeness, when all who share one human nature, regenerated in Christ through the Holy Spirit and beholding the glory of God, will be able to say with one accord: "Our Father."(19)

7. This missionary activity derives its reason from the will of God, "who wishes all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, Himself a man, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:45), "neither is there salvation in any other" (Acts 4:12). Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."(17) Therefore though God in ways known to Himself can lead those inculpably ignorant of the Gospel to find that faith without which it is impossible to please Him (Heb. 11:6), yet a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel. And hence missionary activity today as always retains its power and necessity.
By means of this activity, the Mystical Body of Christ unceasingly gathers and directs its forces toward its own growth (cf. Eph. 4:11-16). The members of the Church are impelled to carry on such missionary activity by reason of the love with which they love God and by which they desire to share with all men the spiritual goods of both its life and the life to come.
Finally, by means of this missionary activity, God is fully glorified, provided that men fully and consciously accept His work of salvation, which He has accomplished in Christ. In this way and by this means, the plan of God is fulfilled - that plan to which Christ conformed with loving obedience for the glory of the Father who sent Him,(18) that the whole human race might form one people of God and be built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit which, being the expression of brotherly harmony, corresponds with the inmost wishes of all men. And so at last, there will be realized the plan of our Creator who formed man to His own image and likeness, when all who share one human nature, regenerated in Christ through the Holy Spirit and beholding the glory of God, will be able to say with one accord: "Our Father."(19)



Therefore, all must be converted to Him... and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door...  a necessity lies upon the Church (1 Cor. 9:16), and at the same time a sacred duty, to preach the Gospel. And hence missionary activity today as always retains its power and necessity.-Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades


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