Saturday, July 21, 2018

All young men and women in Germany who have a religious vocation are expected by the German Conference of Catholic bishops to lie and deceive.

Image result for Photo of German Catholic bishops and Cardinal Marx meeting
All young men and women in Germany who have a religious vocation are expected by the German Conference of Catholic bishops to lie and deceive.The Vatican and the Left approve it. This  deception is carried on at universities and seminaries.Professor-priests approve the lie to keep their job.
So if  you are a young man or women who is honest,affirms Vatican Council II (without the premise) and also extra ecclesiam nulla salus(without the premise) and does not interpret the Catechisms as a rupture with Tradition what are you to do?
These young Catholics are being faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church and are not rejecting Vatican Council II (without the premise) but  they cannot affirm this theology and traditional doctrine and be a priest or nun?
Could they appeal to a Civil Judge? Is there are Ethics Committee in Germany?
Do the Constitution and the laws in Germany permit this?
-Lionel Andrades

JULY 20, 2018

In Germany all candidates with a religious vocation have to claim that invisible baptism of desire etc are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS.They also cannot interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS

JULY 21, 2018

Vocation crisis in the Church : selection based on false doctrine

 JULY 11, 2018

This is Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) which would be 'extremist' for Angela Merkel's Germany.So the German Catholic bishops are denying it,and are giving the Eucharist at Holy Mass to Protestants, since the Catholic bishops have rejected Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and interpret the Council with Cushingism


JULY 10, 2018

Lay Catholics must appeal to the media and secular organisations, and may be the judiciary too, to ask the German bishops to speak the truth on salvation and proclaim it as bishops under Canon Law : giving the Holy Eucharist to Protestants

JULY 8, 2018

German bishops and Vatican hide a secret, tell a lie so stay legal . Unknown to media and judiciary - 4 (Graphics)

JULY 8, 2018

German bishops and Vatican hide a secret, tell a lie so stay legal . Unknown to media and judiciary -3 (Graphics)  

JULY 7, 2018

Image result for Photos  German Catholic Bishops conference with <Pope Francis
German bishops and Vatican hide a secret, tell a lie so stay legal . Unknown to media and judiciary -2

JULY 7, 2018

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite Photos

German bishops and Vatican hide a secret, tell a lie so stay legal . Unknown to media and judiciary -1

Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II  Feeneyite and Cushingite

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