Monday, July 16, 2018

Can you imagine Cardinal Ranjit saying that all non Catholics in Sri Lanka are on the way to Hell unless they entered the Catholic Church before death?

Comment from the blog The Eponymous Flower, Cardinal Ranjith Supports Death Penalty

Image result for photo of cardinal ranjit
I met him(Cardinal Ranjit) when he was in Rome. I went to his office in the Propaganda Fide building. I was new in Rome at that time.
He told me the Church no more teaches the Syllabus of Errors.
I repeat - he said that the Syllabus of Errors is no more relevant in theology or as a doctrine.
Since like Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was at that time the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican Council II was ' a development'.
So neither would Cardinal Ratzinger and the Sri Lankan cardinal affirm Feeneyite EENS. It was the same with Sri Lankan seminarians whom he would visit at the seminary where I lived too.
Cardinal Ratzinger and Cardinal Ranjit interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism and not Feeneyism. So the Syllabus of Errors and EENS would be obsolete for them.
If they interpreted Vatican Council II with Feeneyism then there would be no objective exceptions, to EENS ( Feeneyite). 
Can you imagine Cardinal Ranjit saying that all non Catholics in Sri Lanka are on the way to Hell unless they entered the Catholic Church before death?
Can you imagine Pope Beneidct saying all the Protestants in Germany are likewise on the way to Hell?
They did not say that inter faith marriages are adultery and both spouses should not be given the Eucharist.
So now we have the New Evangelisation and New Ecumenism and the Eucharist is being given to Protestants in Germany.
-Lionel Andrades

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