Thursday, July 26, 2018




by Anita Carey  •  •  June 26, 2018    

Richard Thompson: 'The school system witlessly turned their classrooms into Islamic indoctrination centers'

ANN ARBOR, Mich. ( - A New Jersey school district is being sued for indoctrinating students with Islamic propaganda.
Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Kevin McNulty refused to dismiss a lawsuit against Chatham Middle School in New Jersey school district that claims they violated the First Amendment by showing seventh-grade students Islamic propaganda "with a direct and explicit call for the children to convert to Islam."
Thomas More Law Center filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Libby Hilsenrath and her son in January, after she attempted to get the school board to end the Islamic indoctrination of her son and other students. 
Church Militant spoke with Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of Thomas More Law Center, who said, "I don't think they want the public to know how astounding was their attempt to insert Islam into the curriculum."
Thompson explained that the videos used by the Chatham school district included numerous instances where the Quran was called "noble" and Islam is "perfected."
"It was very clear it was not a factual lesson on Islam; it was really a proselytizing video," he said.
 While preparing the briefs, he wondered what the Arabic music was in the background, and was shocked to learn that it was the poem Qaseedah Burdah, which praises Muhammad for slaughtering "infidel" Christian and Jewish people "until they looked like meat put on the butcher's block." 
"It was not education; it was propaganda," Thompson said. 
Richard Thompson
Thompson explained that school districts all over the country are violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which requires that schools must maintain neutrality towards all religions.
"Under the guise of multi-culturalism, or teaching social studies, they are inserting Islam as the proper, peaceful religion, promoting it over other religions," he said, adding, "In some cases, they are promoting Islam and denigrating Christianity."
Thompson had access to a 32-page report listing numerous incidents from all over the country. He said this is going on without the parents' knowledge or consent. On one occasion, students from Tennessee were taken to a mosque in Nashville where the Imam explained how Christianity and Islam were essentially the same. 
The Thomas More Law Center is representing several cases in the hopes of setting a precedent in the Supreme Court so other lawyers and parents can use it to stop the indoctrination of other children. 
"The hurdles we face are tremendous," Thompson said. "The court system itself is basically geared toward multi-culturalism, towards preventing the courts from being called bigoted or Islamophobic."
"They treat Islam in a way that would not be allowed when they talk about Christianity," he continued.
Thompson noted there is a double standard when it comes to Islam, explaining, "No one ever dreams of forcing a Muslim to recite John 3:16, but they have no problem forcing students to say the Shahada." 
The Shahada is the conversion creed for Islam, and Muslims believe that if it is said in the presence of two male Muslims, a person has converted. Church Militant spoke with Robert Spencer, Islamic expert and director of Jihad Watch, who said, "Historically, Christians have been murdered for saying the Shahada without meaning it, or in jest, and being held to being a Muslim."
"That's blasphemy," Thompson said, whose clients' children were punished with failing marks for refusing to recite the creed, despite having religious objections.  
Thompson has deposed many of the teachers, and most of them claimed to be Christian, saying, "Some of them have claimed there is no difference between Allah and God." It was "impossible" for teachers to teach both religions in a way that doesn't violate the Establishment Clause. He said they are not theologians nor are they trained.
He noted the characteristics of the two described in each religion are vastly different. 
"Our God is a loving God, Allah is a cruel God and they submit — Islam means submit, not love," Thompson said. 
According to Thompson, we have to listen to what the Muslims themselves are saying. The goal of Islam is to conquer the world, he explained, so "their goal is a 'civilization jihad,' and that is to destroy us from within by our own hands."
"The school system witlessly turned their classrooms into Islamic indoctrination centers," Thompson said. 
Once we lose our identity as a Christian nation, it won't be the same United States of America.
"Parents [have] to know that they have to pay attention to what their children are learning in the public school systems," he said.
According to him, it's not enough to glance over textbooks because teachers are getting their lessons from the internet, "where there is no vetting" to ensure the information is accurate or that it meets educational standards. 
In one of his cases, the courses on Islam were produced by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group accused of promoting the Islamification of America. Several of its leaders have been convicted of crimes and many are linked to jihadist activities. Thompson said they "had been indicted by the federal government as a co-conspirator in a money laundering scheme out of Texas."
"Then it's up to courageous parents who are concerned for the soul of their students, their children, who are concerned for the survival of America ... to publicly take action," Thompson said. "We need to have a plaintiff willing to stand up in court."
Thompson argued that America is still a Christian nation and Islamification is a threat to national security.
"Our basic value systems are Christian-based," he said. 
"Once we lose our identity as a Christian nation, it won't be the same United States of America," he explained. "As a Christian nation, we believe our inalienable rights came from our creator, they're from God, not government, and if you take that away then you're allowing yourself to be dominated and ruled by men who can give and take away your rights."

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