Sunday, July 15, 2018

If Cardinal Brandmuller Muller and Cardinal Muller could demonstrate how Vatican Council II (F) is not a rupture with the past exlusivist ecclesiology of the Church, which supported the Syllabus of Errors, then they could appeal to the German bishops not to give the Eucharist at Mass to both spouses in inter-faith marriages since they are living in adultery.

Image result for Photos of Cardinal Muller and Cardinal Brandmuller together
Cardinal Walter Brandmuller says we cannot know when Catholics living in manifest mortal sin are not going to Hell and so can be given the Eucharist. We cannot judge when a divorced and remarried couple(Amoris Laetitia) can be given the Eucharist at Mass and so should be made an exception.
Similarly he needs to state that Protestants are outside the Church and are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church and so they cannot be given the Eucharist. They are in mortal sins of faith just as the divorced and remarried Catholic, is living in a mortal sin of morals.
But the issue is also the Catholic spouse who has married the Protestant and comes for Mass and receives the Eucharist.Then there is the issue of the Catholic priest who marries a Catholic and Protestant, even though it is not a Sacrament and does not consider it adultery.
But Cardinal Brandmuller is like this priest.Since they both interpret Vatican Council II (Cushingite) as a rupture with EENS ( Feeneyite). So for them there is salvation outside the Church and so they assume that the Protestant will be saved in his or her religion and does not have to convert into the Catholic Church.A possibility which is theoretical and speculative is then assumed to be a known case, someone personally known who has been seen saved outside the Catholic Church.
Neither of the two are affirming Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which would not conflict with EENS( Feeneyite) and it would mean all Protestants, with no known exception in 2018, are on the way to Hell. They are outside the Church where there is no salvation(Feeneyite).
So while Cardinal Brandmuller corrects Pope Francis with the dubbia on the moral issue, he makes the same error as the German bishops and Pope Francis on the salvation issue, the faith issue.
Pope Francis and the German bishops permit the Eucharist at Mass to be given to Protestants based on their interpretation of Vatican Council II, which is a rupture with EENS ( Feeneyite) for them. It is a rupture since they are interpreting Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism.They use the false premise.
Cardinal Brandmuller is doing the same and so is in no position to correct them.It was the same with the German Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who was also a Cushingite when interpreting EENS and Vatican Council.
If Cardinal Brandmuller and Cardinal Muller could demonstrate how Vatican Council II (F) is not a rupture with the past exlusivist ecclesiology of the Church, which supported the Syllabus of Errors, then they could appeal to the German bishops not to give the Eucharist at Mass to both spouses in inter-faith marriages since they are living in adultery.
-Lionel Andrades

JULY 15, 2018

Image result for Graphics Cardinal Raymond burke other religions

Inter faith marriages in Germany are not a Sacrament and the Catholic spouse is living in adultery and should not be given the Eucharist at Holy Mass

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