Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jesus Died and is Risen to save all who believe in Him, and live his teachings in the Catholic Church, from going to Hell. To go to Heaven we must, in general, enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism, since outside the Church there is no salvation and for most people in 2018, Jesus' Death and Resurrection will be in vain.Since they will die outside the Church, the only Church he founded.

Jesus Died and is Risen to save all who believe in Him, and live his teachings in the Catholic Church, from going to Hell. To go to Heaven we must, in general, enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism, since outside the Church there is no salvation and for most people in 2018, Jesus' Death and Resurrection will be in vain.Since they will die outside the Church, the only Church he founded.
Jesus may give the grace to someone to believe in Him and to  be saved, who is not a visible member of the Church. However over time this person would have, to have entered the Catholic Church, to receive this salvation. In Heaven there are only Catholics. They are there with the baptism of water and Catholic faith(John 3:5, Mark 16:16, Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium  14).
Catholics are the new people of God, the Chosen People(NA 4). They have the Sacrifice (in the Mass), the Messiah (promised by the Jewish prophets), the ark of the Covenant ( tabernacle with the Eucharistic Presence),the Tradition ( a continuation of the Jewish religion), the Sacred Scriptures ( a fulfillment of the Old Testament), the Eternal Covenant with the Death and Resurrection of Jesus( a fulfillment of the covenants Yahweh made with the Jews) and the Temple where His One and Only Sacrifice, is repeated in an un-bloody way.( Holy  Mass in all Rites of the Catholic Church).
So proclaim the Good News that only those who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, the Promised Jewish Messiah, can have eternal life.They need to live His teachings in the Catholic Church, to know about, and avoid, mortal sin, and to have Sanctifying Grace at the time of death, in a world in which most people,as non-believers , are oriented to the fires of Hell.Since they do not know about Jesus or refuse to follow him.On the Day of Judgment, Jesus will not recognise them, since their soul would be under the control of Satan, as it was throughout life.This is the state of the soul of people who live with Original Sin,commit mortal sins in that state, and are not baptised with water.
Without the faith which is pleasing to God, which is there in only the Catholic Church; the only Church with the fullness of the means of salvation, there is no way to Eternal Bliss in Heaven.
This was the faith that made many to choose martyrdom for Jesus and His Church and so access the direct and quick  way to Heaven.
May we choose to affirm the truths of our Faith, founded by Jesus, who is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
-Lionel Andrades

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