Tuesday, July 31, 2018

PETITION: Tell Canada to stop harassing Christian pro-family activist! : liberal, leftist hate aganst Bill WHatcott

We are calling on Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Caroline Mulroney to drop hate crime charges against Christian pro-family activist Bill Whatcott.
On June 22, Canadian authorities arrested Whatcott and charged him with committing a ‘hate crime’ in 2016.  
The deputy of Ontario’s former Liberal Attorney General Yasir Naqvi -- who banned pro-life witness outside abortion centers -- authorized the hate crime charge in April.
What was the offense which triggered a Toronto Police Service nation-wide arrest warrant?  Two years ago Whatcott handed out flyers at a gay ‘Pride Parade’ in Toronto that quoted Bible verses and warned of the spiritual and physical dangers of homosexual activity.  
Following his arrest, Whatcott has been treated contemptuously by some law enforcement officers, as if he were an enemy of the state. Whatcott relates that he was denied food for up to 24 hours, denied medication, and even denied a toothbrush and toothpaste during his three days in custody.  He was also made to share jail cells with hardened, violent criminals and drug addicts, still high and behaving erratically.
When extradited to Toronto, Whatcott was handed over to a officer from 51 Division who was wearing a gay pride decal, rainbow stripes on both his shoulders, and a pride bracelet. Whatcott said, “It seemed meant to show me that the whole power of the state was up against me.”
Since his release on $5,000 bail June 25, a cascade of tragedy has followed:  Whatcott was fired from his job with no explanation, and the GoFundMe page set up by his wife was shut down.
Bill Whatcott’s harrowing story is an alarming wake-up call for Christians not only in Canada, but in the United States and around the world.  

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