Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Repost : Editor refuses to define her terms.Infers that the baptism of desire is not invisible but visible for us.SSPX has made a mistake.

JUNE 17, 2014

Editor refuses to define her terms.Infers that the baptism of desire is not invisible but visible for us.SSPX has made a mistake.

The Editor refuses to define her terms. She, like Athanasius, infers that the baptism of desire is not invisible but visible for us.
I have asked her to clarify her terms but she will not. Perhaps she realizes already that the SSPX has made a mistake.
She has pulled down posts related to the issue.Here are some of them.
This ‘theoretical’ case can be saved.Once again I am asking you to please clarify your terms
I can hold the traditional interpretation of the dogma along with invisible for us and visible for God only, baptism of desire    
The Good Thief is not an exception to all needing the baptism of water
Hundreds of saints have used what the secular media calls ‘the rigorist interpretation’ of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not accept Vatican Council II with an irrational inference.He was correct. The Holy Spirit cannot teach error
At one of the two times, the magisterium has to be wrong
-Lionel Andrades

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