Thursday, July 12, 2018

SSPX New Superior's Oath Against Modernism is meaningless.

Image result for Photo of Oath Against Modernism

The Profession of Faith and Oath Against Modernism of the new Superior General of the SSPX is meaningless.

Since the SSPX interprets the Nicene Creed with the philosophy and theology of Cushingism.This is an innovation and not traditional.
Image result for Photo of Oath Against Modernism
Also to assume that there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in the present times, who are examples of salvation outside the Church, is irrational. There are no such cases in 2018. There cannot be any practical exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) for us human beings. So with an irrationality the dogma extra eccclesiam nulla salus is rejected. This is modernism.
It is also modernism to interpret Vatican Council II  with Cushingism.

The baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism and the SSPX chooses irrational, non traditional and heretical Cushingism. It is responsible for the hermeneutic of rupture.
This was also the mistake of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. May be he overlooked the error.Since the same mistake was made by Pope Pius XII, Cardinal Ottaviani and the traditionalists of their time, Michael Davis, Dietrich Von Hildebrand,Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira and many others.
-Lionel Andrades

SSPX Elects New Superior

On July 11, 2018, Father Davide Pagliarani was elected Superior General, for a mandate of 12 years, by the 4th General Chapter of the Society of Saint Pius X.
The new Superior General is 47 years old and is of Italian nationality. He received the sacrament of Holy Orders from the hands of Bishop Bernard Fellay in 1996. He exercised his apostolate in Rimini (Italy), then in Singapore, before being appointed Superior of the District of Italy. Since 2012, he was Rector of Our Lady Co-Redemptrix Seminary of La Reja (Argentina).
After accepting his office, the elected pronounced the Profession of Faith and took the Anti-Modernist Oath at the seminary church. Then, each of the members present came before him to promise their respect and obedience, before singing the Te Deum in thanksgiving.

JULY 5, 2017
To accomodate the error of visible baptism of desire Cardinal Ratzinger changed the Profession of Faith, Oath of Fidelity and Canon Law

SEPTEMBER 11, 2015

Immagine correlata


DECEMBER 10, 2017

Oath of fidelity made by all Bishops officially supports irrationality, heresy and non traditional conclusions

 AUGUST 4, 2016

You conclude BOD is an exception to the dogma EENS. This is heresy.It is liberalism. It is what the SSPX would call modernism.Due to this irrationality you and the SSPX are interpreting Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition

JUNE 21, 2018 

Modernist Traditionalists will criticize modernism on Saturday

JUNE 20, 2018

Modernists will speak on modernism at Lepanto Foundation conference this week

APRIL 4, 2018

There will be a false Profession of Faith at the Conference this Saturday in Rome

Meaningless Profession of Faith was made yesterday in Church for Easter

JANUARY 7, 2018

So we are all in the same Church but the Profession of Faith does not have the same meaning.


JUNE 19, 2018

Here is Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) with the Cushingite passages pruned (Graphics)

JULY 4, 2018

Ten prominent examples of Cushingism in the Catholic Church

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