Saturday, July 7, 2018

SSPX priests in France and Canada are not proclaiming Catholic doctrine on Vatican Council II, salvation and mission

The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) in France and Canada are not proclaiming  Catholic doctrine on Vatican Council II, salvation and mission. They are not citing Vatican Council II with Feeneyism which would not make the Council a rupture with Tradition(EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc). Instead the priests  are ready to accept a personal prelature  and not ask the Vatican  to come back to the Faith, with Feeneyite theology which is traditional and rational.
Bishop Bernard Fellay was one of the signatories of the Filial Correction, but neither he nor any of the other signatories, are discussing how  with Feeneyite BOD, BOB and I.I, the Catechisms and Vatican Council II are not a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake  when he accepted  the Cushingite Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and then like the liberal theologians, interpreted Mystici Corporis, Quanta Cura and the old Catechisms,  as being a rupture with Feeneyite EENS. The popes since Pius XII, like Archbishop Lefebvre,  have been using irrational Cushingite theology, to create a schism with the past popes on EENS.They have also changed the Nicene Creed to mean, 'I believe in three or more baptisms which exclude the baptism of water, they are the baptisms of desire, blood and invincible ignorance etc'.For me the Nicene Creed says 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' and it means one known baptism, the baptism of water.BOD, BOB and I.I are not known in personal cases.It  cannot be administered like the baptism of water, which is visible and repeatable.
So the SSPX priests in France and Canada are going along with their errors, like the priests  and bishops who offer Mass in the vernacular. In this way there is no controversy with the secular forces.
-Lionel Andrades

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