Monday, July 2, 2018

Sweden: Three Muslim migrants jailed for arson attack on synagogue

“Three asylum seekers are jailed in Sweden for synagogue arson attack days after US recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” by Sara Malm, MailOnline, June 25, 2018 (thanks to the Geller Report):
Three asylum seekers from Syria and Palestine have been sentenced to jail for an attempted arson attack on a synagogue in Gothenburg, southern Sweden, in December last year.
CCTV footage from the attack, which took place while some 30 youths were attending a Hanukkah party in the synagogue, shows more than a dozen masked men throwing Molotov cocktails at the building and nearby cars.
However, just three men, aged 19, 22 and 24, were arrested and charged in connection with the incident.
The arson attack took place just days after President Donald Trump had announced that the U.S. would recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Court documents state that at least six Molotov cocktails – glass cider bottles filled with flammable liquid – were thrown at the synagogue on December 9, 2017.
Between ten and 20 masked men were involved in the attack, which took place just after 10pm.
The prosecution argued that the charges were aggravated by ‘the crime’s motive to violate an ethnic group because of its beliefs’.
The young Jewish people celebrating Hanukkah in the building, briefly took shelter in a cellar during the attack, but no one was injured.
The court added that the attack’s ‘purpose was to threaten, harm and violate both the members of the Jewish community and the Jewish people as a whole.’ …

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