Friday, August 31, 2018

Cover up

Did Pope Francis and the Jesuits and all the traditionalists know that there was a cover up in the Fr Leonard Feeney affair and that invisible baptism of desire never ever was an exception to the traditional, 'strict' interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
Was there a cover up?
 I probably sound like Eccles.
There was a cover up by Roberto dei Mattei.He does not deny it since 2014 or earlier posts on this blog would show us.
There was a cover up at Rorate Caeili and I Peter 5.
This subject was too hot for them.
New Catholic at Rorate Caelil also removed comments after the Jewish Left phoned in.A lady I do not know tried to encourage me and said New Catholic was spineless.
It was too hot for Edward Pentin too. After he interviewed Cardinal Muller and Archbishop Di Noia someone could have told him that this would be enough. There would  not be any more reports on extra ecclesiam nulla salus tolerated by the Left.
Did they warn Cardinal Ratzinger. He called extra ecclesiam nulla salus 'an aphorism' .See the  Catechism of the Catholic Church(846). It was a dogma defined by three Church Councils and supported by numerous saints and not just an aphorism.He interpreted the dogma EENS with irrational Cushingism and someone may have forced him to repeat the lie in the interview with Avvenire ( March 2016).He said EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century. The Magisterium apparently made a mistake in the past.
Then at the  Placuet Deo Press Conference there was a cover up on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is the on going cover up and again both the popes have kept silent as they keep silent on the Vigano testimony.
Lumen Gentium 8 was not an exception to EENS as Cardinal Ladaria suggested when asked by an AP correspondent if the Church still held its old understanding on having the superiority and exclusiveness on salvation. He indicated unknown and invisible cases of non Catholics saved with 'elements of sanctification and truth ' in other religions, were visible exceptions to EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology.
Every one has kept silent on this issue since March 1,2018.
I am the only one writing about it.
Cover up?
For Michael Voris it is too 'theological' so he will not touch this subject.
Louie Verrecchio has no opinion on this issue either way.
But Pope Benedict knew all along that he was changing doctrine and theology to create a hermeneutic of  rupture with the past. He seemed to be doing it consciously and intelligently.This was a cover up and no ne complained.
Now we here so much about the cover up on the McCarrick issue.
Did McCarrick, Mahoney and Wuerl also cover up this issue ? I think they did. They rejected EENS with an irrational premise, with the New Theology. They replaced Feeneyite theology with the new Cushingite theology.And no one asked them to speak out and be honest.
-Lionel Andrades

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